Bravo on Karen Rubin’s column “‘Great Neck the Greater’ is no more but…” (8/27).
After a stunning review of the ways in which other communities, including Westbury, Central Islip, Baldwin, and Hicksville, are transforming themselves with multimillion-dollar grants in state funds, she asks tellingly: “What are the chances that (the) Village of Great Neck, probably the most needy among Great Neck Peninsula’s nine villages and unincorporated areas of downtown revitalization, would go through the process of seeking a grant itself or even combine with, say, Great Neck Estates?”
Pretty slim, she rightly concludes — noting that the deadline to submit is Sept. 15. (GULP).
But other comparable funding is still available, so she lays out a comprehensive, compelling, and sensible array of life-enhancing projects. It’s a visionary but entirely practicable blueprint for revitalization. Read it and dream with her about how differently our main street, vacant stores, historic sites, roadways, and transportation could look in 10 years.
So thanks to Ms. Rubin for this exacting delineation of what could be done to enhance our “quality of life, health and wellness.”
Ronald Gross
Great Neck