Mr. Wiesenfeld, your deafening silence speaks loudly.
You’ve used this newspaper to express your displeasure and disdain for the publisher of this paper, for Democrats of all persuasions, whether conservative, moderate or progressive, and your neighbors.
Yet now your silence for the Republican Congressman-elect George Santos. You claim not to be a politician or an elected official, yet you might be described as a shepherd who leads his flock, better yet the Pied Piper leading the lemmings.
Why would you profess to speak out on matters of antisemitism, Holocaust denial and xenophobia and yet you choose to be silent. Your silence is deafening.
There is a continued thread of supporting Republican candidates who are storytellers, charlatans and frauds like George Santos.
Under the leadership of Joseph Cairo Jr., chairman of the Nassau County Republican Commitee, for two election cycles the NCRC has offered our community candidates the likes of George Santos.
Is power and corruption something you support more than treating others the way you want to be treated?
Where are the Republican elected officials, their silence and minimal comments; the likes of Senator-elect Martins, Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena, Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman, Town Councilperson Adhami, Nassau County Legislator Pilip and Village of Great Neck Mayor Bral and you as well, reflect your empowerment to fakers, frauds and charlatans.
At least eight times in the Torah it is mentioned “love, thy neighbor” and yet you seem to have forgotten the significance of those words.
I am saddened to see, a righteous man, such as yourself, has chosen not to treat others as he would want to be treated.
Hopefully, we the people can only be fooled sometimes, not all of the time.
George Santos is a poster boy for the Republican Party.
Charles Schneider
Great Neck