When we were searching for a house in 1979 we selected Great Neck for the commute to New York City, the public schools, and the library. Our families have always been holders of a library card in the way some people carry a card to a private club.
Soon after moving to Great Neck in 1980, I formed with people I met in Allenwood Park a little playgroup. That also became a mom’s group for activism in our community, socialization, and reading.
After over more than four decades that group of several dozen women has evolved and still functions. I am currently in a second reading group of Great Neck women with more than 30 women at our last discussion meeting.
Both groups contain librarians, teachers, medical professionals, lawyers as well as other professionals.
The Great Neck Library has also evolved over those years. I must say, today, under Denise Corcoran’s directorship, it has reached a new level of functioning. She is forward-thinking, supporting revisions in building and rebuilding collections, introducing new programming, improved digital and printed communication with the public, building a STEM program, and more.
The atmosphere among the staff and patrons is at the highest level of congeniality and efficiency. I have seen that the availability of the director sets a model for the staff of what leadership and service mean.
I encourage the support of the public and the library board of trustees who were elected by the community to support the continuation of this progress led by our current director, Denise Corcoran. I would be sad to see dissension and secretiveness damage our current rising achievements.
Eileen Walk
Great Neck