Readers Write: Food for thought for Manorhaven’s existing waterfront

Readers Write: Food for thought for Manorhaven’s existing waterfront

Back in December 26, 2019, while I was still a trustee for the Village of Manorhaven, I prepared an information packet relating to the B.O.L.D. for Mixed Use Live/Work Apartments – Chapter 155.20.1 of our Village Code.

I had disseminated this information to the mayor and trustees, of which one of those trustees is now the mayor of Manorhaven, regarding any future use of this B.O.L.D. law. I strongly believe, according to the actual Public Hearing Minutes from that April 7, 2005, meeting that the B.O.L.D. section was designed for apartments over existing buildings not new buildings along the C-1 Zone or other Zones. Comments from that Public Meeting as well as Chapter 155.20.lD(l) specifically mentions Manorhaven Blvd. and Sintsink Drive East pertaining to the various zones.

I sincerely hope that our Village Board will take the time and effort to look over this B.O.L.D. section to get a clear view of exactly what purpose there was for this section in our zoning laws. Please keep in mind that any building request along our waterfront properties should be cleared with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation as well as the Nassau County Department of Health for waterfront construction as well as required testing of the soil and groundwater for possible contamination from past industrial uses (i.e. iron works, boat yard/marinas, etc.).

Chapter 155.20.1((3) mentions “any existing industrial uses … and any uses where toxic chemicals are stored shall not be permitted as part of the B.O.L.D.” Recent environmental site testing at 22 Sagamore Hill Drive as well as 5 Sagamore Hill Drive in past years has exposed unacceptable higher levels of tetrachloroethene in the groundwater samples taken. The property at 12-20 Matinecock Ave. has been used as a marina/boat yard for about 50 years and may possibly have similar contaminants in the soil/groundwater from toxic fluids and chemicals used over the years in this type of business.

B.O.L.D. was designed to allow studio or one-bedroom apartments above stores on Manorhaven Blvd. and Sintsink Drive East (Ch. 155.20.lD(l)). The reason for this law was to allow businesses to add second story apartments above their existing building rather than taking down existing structures. Our Village Board cannot and should not allow any more building along our wonderful waterfront that has been continually disappearing over recent years.

They need to adhere to Section G(l) of B.O.L.D. that states “All proposed new projects using B.O.L.D. shall be subject to site plan review procedures before the Board of Trustees. The Architectural Review Board shall act as a consulting review agency.” Both of these boards, and possibly the Board of Zoning Appeals need to roll up their sleeves and explore all the pertinent aspects of B.O.L.D. Chapter 155.20.1 of our Village Code to protect what is left of the waterfront we love.

Ken Kraft


Trustee 2016-2020

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