North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena is the sensible choice for re-election. She has reduced town taxes over the last two years and returned fiscal sanity to the administration.
MaryJo Collins with her financial background is needed to bring a new vision to the receiver of taxes office. Ms. Collins’ financial acumen could expand evening office hours for residents who work.
Many residents work Monday thru Friday from 9-5 necessitating expanded hours. This move would be a no brainer and is long overdue. The facade of the receiver of taxes building is crumbling, which demands a new visionary to make the necessary repairs to keep the building secure.
Suffolk Deputy County Executive Jon Kaiman has been serving out in Suffolk County since 2017. While he has a varied history of public service, he is needed in Suffolk to tackle several serious concerns,
Last week Suffolk County delayed submitting the 2024 budget for the third time. The recent Suffolk County cyberattack still has not been fully remedied and needs further study by Mr. Bellone and Mr. Kaiman.
The failings of Suffolk County Child Protective Services stemming from the Thomas Valva death needs continual monitoring and direction. Mr. Kaiman, as former chairman of the NIFA Board negotiated a union wage deal in 2014 that was claimed to be “cost-neutral”.
This was based largely on expectations for the ill-fated and infamous county speed camera program. This caused the 2015 Nassau budget deficit to jump to $189.2 million. Luckily the NIFA Board under subsequent chairmen insisted on fiscal discipline (including multiple rejections and revisions of county budgets) and a strong economy.
As a registered Independent, I feel the Town of North Hempstead needs Jen DeSena re-elected due to her record of lowering our taxes. Mary Jo Collins’ election to the receiver of taxes post will help to fix a crumbling building facade and expand constituent hours which is long overdue.
A recent Siena College poll stated that 83% say it’s the high cost of living as the top issue. DeSena has a proven record in remedying this and Collins can bring a new vision as receiver of taxes with her financial background.
Joe Campbell
Port Washington