Readers Write: Dear Doctor

Readers Write: Dear Doctor

Dear Doctor,

I realize you’re only human—but stop—please stop.

Before you e-script the prescription for your Parkinson’s patient or your new senior patient or the mother of three with a UTI, did you take time to review their list of daily medications?  Did you consider that failing to do so could cause lasting and devastating consequences?

The Parkinson’s patient may require a kidney transplant from severe drug interactions, Interactions that could have been totally avoided from a benign new condition.

The senior patient, prescribed the wrong prescription eye drop containing a beta blocker ingredient, may stop breathing overnight.  And pass away.  After a single dose.

As for the mom with three kids and a urinary tract infection – well, who knows?

Dear Doctor- you’re only human. You may be tired and running behind schedule. Perhaps, the Wall Street corporation that owns and operates your mega-medical practice dictates you work even faster.  Demands you see even more patients.  Limits office visits to 10 minutes.  Insists you stop returning patient phone calls.  Whatever extenuating circumstances are taking place in your world—stop.  Please stop.

Your patient’s daily meds, sometimes, many meds, are listed in their chart.  But it does no good if you don’t review it.  Carefully.  Assessing for possible negative drug interactions. Next time, the friendly pharmacist or family advocate may not catch your mistake in time.

*Thank you, local Great Neck pharmacist for your dedication, professionalism and compassion.  By prioritizing patient care first, you saved a life.  You know who you are.

Judy Shore Rosenthal

Great Neck

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