My name is Joanne Chan, I am the proud mother of four Great Neck Public school-educated children, and I am running for school board trustee.
When Jeff Shi told me he was not running for re-election and wanted me to run for his seat, I asked him can you find anyone else? “No one with the experience you have, no one I would trust more with the future of our public schools” was his response.
Since 2008, I have supported our schools in many leadership positions. I have served as co-president of the United Parent-Teacher Council, chair of UPTC’s Total Community Involvement Committee, and part of the Executive Committees of South High, South Middle and Saddle Rock schools.
I worked on community-building projects including setting up the District Translation Project and ParentLink Emergency Messages.
I oversaw collaborations among various cultural groups in our community including SHAI and GNCA and used my Chinese language skills to help new families become oriented within the district.
The most memorable experience as a parent leader was when I was co-president of UPTC. I worked tirelessly to ensure our 2017 bond was passed to allow us to properly maintain our school buildings and facilities.
I still remember the excitement and sense of unity among parents from North and South schools celebrating after passing the bond and I hope to recapture that spirit.
I am very aware of many of the issues before the board and can provide the depth of experience the board needs at this transitional time. The board is now searching for a new superintendent.
That person will need to be hired and guided to ensure stability for our students, teachers and staff.
The board is also currently negotiating the contract with the Great Neck Teachers Association. The board must, as always, continue to be responsible for the budget that governs all of our schools.
With my MBA degree from NYU, an engineering degree from Columbia, more than 20 years managing all aspects of a successful medical practice, and 15 years as a parent leader in the school district, I have the education and experience to tackle these challenges.
Additionally, we must not allow culture wars to distract us from the important work of providing our children with the exceptional education that Great Neck is known for.
A community that silences its teachers does not prepare its students for the real world, which is large, diverse, and complex. People do not come to Great Neck schools for a provincial education. I will protect the world-class education that our children deserve.
Whether or not you have children in the district, the Great Neck Public School District is a major institution that underpins the reputation of our town and the value of our homes. Do not be complacent. Please do your part to protect this tremendous resource for all of us.
I ask everyone to make the effort to come out and vote to protect our schools.
Scan the code to find your polling place. On May 16, please vote yes on the budget that funds our schools and please vote for me, Joanne Chan, and also for Rebecca Sassouni, for Board of Education Trustees.
Joanne Chan
Great Neck