Readers Write: Biden’s Afghanistan tragedy

Readers Write: Biden’s Afghanistan tragedy

As usual, Alvin Goldberg rises from the ashes to critique my comments from a week ago about racism and calls

me the inevitable “racist ” name because that is all the left has in its arsenal.  Stating that people of color are able

to experience successful and rewarding lives in America is something he cannot seem to grasp.  Even though I

I gave examples from all over this country of their success, he states these are “false facts”  Do you hear that

America?  He has just proven what I wrote in the letter.  The left keeps telling people of color that they cannot make it

in this  country.  My statement that they can is called “garbage and outdated”.  He never addresses or refutes the examples.

Because he can’t.  Look at the cities where minorities are suffering from drugs, crime and  deaths.  Almost all are run by

Democrats.  Have you seen NYC lately?  How can anyone who lives in neighborhoods beset by these societal conditions

have hope for a future? Lax on crime and lax on everything else.


I am not going to defend Trump’s deal with the Taliban.  None of us knows what might have been changed and I, for one,

would never have trusted a barbaric group like this. I have read the deal that was made and there is much to criticize but

since Trump was not elected, we do not know what would have been different.  He threatened them with severe

retaliation if they reneged in any way.  After his surprise attacks on Ayman al-Zawahiri, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi and Soleimani

and their subsequent deaths at his direction,  I think the Taliban leader would have thought twice about causing trouble.

That brings me to today and Joe Biden.  He has cancelled every deal or arrangement that Trump made without hesitation, even

when they were good ones. (The Supreme Court just upheld the wait in Mexico law)  He could have cancelled this one, too

But no, this incompetent nincompoop and his irresponsible hacks in his Administration concocted the dumbest plan for evacuation

that I have ever seen.  Close the Air base at Bagram in the dead of night, secretly, tell no allies and do not inform the Afghan army.

End air cover and withdraw intelligence capabilities, leave important weapons, trucks and planes behind for the Afghan army to

use and when they cut and run, leave all of the equipment there for the Taliban to confiscate.  Realize that Americans and Afghan

citizens start to have trouble getting to the airport through checkpoints controlled by the Taliban and do not make any plans to

mobilize a threatening force of troops to take over the operation and let the Taliban tell you what to do instead of the other way

around.  Act like a weak, sniveling coward and embarrass your troops and your country around the world.  Day after day his

vacuous speeches and no action.   AND NOW, TODAY, AUGUST 26TH, AS OF 6 PM 13 SOLDIERS ARE DEAD.  Had troops

been mobilized at the first time of trouble, the whole area around the airport and beyond could have been controlled by the

USA.  Check points could have been controlled by the USA,  We could have had two functioning airports.  This is on you , Joe

Biden, all of it.  You, who takes no advice from anyone and thinks he knows it all.  As was said about you in the past,  by Robert

Gates, Defense Secretary under Obama, “Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security

issue over the past 4 decades”. General after General that was interviewed on television in the past week called for more troops.

God Bless America and our troops and all those that this man has chosen to leave behind.


Goldberg actually puts forth the suggestion that Trump got money from the fleeing President of Afghanistan .  It is such an asinine

idea that I will not give it one second of thought.  Goldberg asks a question,” Can you imagine if Trump was President during WWII

and made a similar deal to free Himmler, Goebbels and Bormann” like Trump did to free Taliban prisoners.  Actually, Trump got the

Taliban to free prisoners that they had in their jails, too. It was a trade.  Smart? Maybe not.  But let me ask you this.  What if Biden had

been President with the same gutless, groveling persona .  He would not be involved in a trading prisoner deal because the Germans

would have won.




Gayle Palmer

Williston Park, NY

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