Readers Write: Ask state troopers to also help fight subway crime

Readers Write: Ask state troopers to also help fight subway crime

MTA Chairman Pat Foye has a clear conflict when he said that the role of hundreds of new police officers would be other than deterring fare beaters. Didn’t he previously announce a crack down on fare beaters as a method to significantly reduce the loss of several hundred million in annual pre-COVID-19 revenue losses attributed to a growing number of riders who would not pay their fare.

Is this not an invitation for more people to ride for free, thus adding to the MTA’s financial deficit?

While Mayor Bill de Blasio and the MTA fought over the level of police, it was interesting that no one asked Gov. Cuomo to increase the number of State Troopers assigned to NYC.

They could be assigned to patrol Penn Station, Grand Central Terminal, Atlantic Terminal and Jamaica Station. This would free up both NYC & MTA police to patrol many of the other subway stations and subway trains.

Larry Penner

Great Neck(Larry Penner is a transportation advocate, historian and writer who previously worked for the Federal Transit Administration Region 2 New York Office.

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