What’s going on at the Great Neck Library – Nov. 17 edition

What’s going on at the Great Neck Library – Nov. 17 edition
The Great Neck Library Board of Trustees has adopted a $9.76 million budget. (Photo by Janelle Clausen)

Library Closings

All Great Neck Library locations will be closed on Thursday, Nov. 23, for Thanksgiving.

Violinist Akiko Kobayashi at Main

New York City-based violinist Akiko Kobayashi will perform a classical violin recital including works from Bach to Stravinsky, accompanied by pianist Claudia Kobayashi on Sunday, Nov. 19 at 2:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Main Library, 159 Bayview Avenue. This concert was arranged by the Music Advisory Committee.

New York born violinist Akiko Kobayashi performs both solo and chamber music and has appeared as a soloist with the West Islip Symphony Orchestra, Yonkers Philharmonic Orchestra, Tokyo Suginami Kokaido Chamber Orchestra, and InterHarmony Festival Orchestra. Her recital appearances include Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall in the Young Musicians Concert sponsored by the MTNA League and Steinway Hall in New York.

The Great Neck Library Music Advisory Committee, now in its 47th year, is co-chaired by founding member Gabe Chieco and Michele Ganz, and includes members Mary Dehn and Estelle Pace. This all volunteer committee of Great Neck residents represents a wide range of musical experience and performance.

Great Neck School District residents have priority for seating.

Adult Coloring at Parkville

Enjoy a relaxing two hours of coloring on Monday afternoons from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Parkville Branch, 10 Campbell Street (off Lakeville Road) New Hyde Park.

Current Events Discussion at Lakeville

Bring your coffee on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. and join a lively discussion of the current events of our nation, state, and town. Discussions will be facilitated by a librarian at the Lakeville Branch, 475 Great Neck Road.

English Language Conversation Group at Station

The Library invites all new speakers of English to join an English Language Conversation Group at the Station Branch on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 3:00 p.m. at 26 Great Neck Road (second level), above Best Market.

These are small, informal groups of people that get together to have conversations in English. Various conversation topics may be chosen. Refreshments will be served. No registration required. For further information, call the Reference Dept. at (516) 466-8055, ext. 218.

Scrabble at Main

Play a game of Scrabble on Tuesdays from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the small Multipurpose Room, Main Library, 159 Bayview Avenue.

Chess at Main

Enjoy a game of Chess on Wednesdays from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the small Multipurpose Room, Main Library, 159 Bayview Avenue. All skill levels welcome.

Project Independence Groups at Parkville

Join a Project Independence Group discussion at the Parkville Branch, 10 Campbell Street (off Lakeville Road), New Hyde Park. The Social Discussion Group meets on Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (no meeting on Nov. 23.) The Men’s Group meets on Fridays from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Adult Coloring at LB

Enjoy coloring on Fridays from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. at the Lakeville Branch, 475 Great Neck Road. Coloring sheets will also be available to take home.

Great Neck Library Closing/Cancellation Information Online

Library patrons connected to the Internet are asked to check the website: www.cancellations.com for Library weather related closings/program cancellations.
In order to access this service, Library District residents can log on to cancellations.com, type in their zip code or Great Neck Library and obtain information on program cancellations or Library closings. In addition, at no charge, residents can request automatic e-mails from cancellations.com when the Library has posted any information.

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