Town receives economic development award

Town receives economic development award

The Town of North Hempstead has received a grant award from the New York State Regional Economic Development Council Initiative in the amount of $125,000 to update the 1999 Water Quality Improvement Plan for Manhasset Bay.

The grant was applied for as a partnership between the Town and the Manhasset Bay Protection Committee. The money will be used to help identify major pollution sources such as pathogens. In addition, it will help develop recommendations and ways to help manage pollution focusing on climate change and habitat loss and its impact on Manhasset Bay.

“The Town of North Hempstead is pleased to partner with the Manhasset Bay Protection Committee on this endeavor to update the Water Quality Improvement Plan for Manhasset Bay,” said Supervisor Judi Bosworth. “The plan will ultimately assist us with finding ways to protect our Bay from pollution and improve our water quality for our residents.”

“The Manhasset Bay Protection Committee is extremely excited for the grant award. The completion of this plan is expected to give us a better idea of what is happening in and around the Bay and what we can do to prevent pollution from entering the water. We hope that residents will be involved and help us in this venture,” said Sarah Deonarine, executive director of the Manhasset Bay Protection Committee.

Over $763 million in economic and community development funding was awarded through the initiative. The state-wide competitive awards were established in 2011, along with the 10 regional councils, as part of the governor’s plan to jumpstart the economy and create jobs. The regional councils are intended to empower communities, businesses, and academic leaders, as well as members of the public in each region, to develop strategic plans specifically tailored to their region’s unique strengths and resources in order to create jobs, improve quality of life and grow the economy.

This project would encompass the entire watershed and include the 15 member municipalities that make up the Manhasset Bay Protection Committee, with the Town as the lead.

For a full list of awards log on to:

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