Town officials attend veterans observance event

Town officials attend veterans observance event
Caption: IMG_8403_r.jpg: (Standing): Betty Leong, Legislator Ellen Birnbaum, Minister Ned Wight, Rabbi Robert S. Widom, Maria D’Urso and Anthony Calabro. (Sitting) Mona Ng, Council Member Lee Seeman, Supervisor Judi Bosworth, Anna Hack and Aurora Glover. Caption: IMG_8415_2.jpg: Supervisor Judi Bosworth and Council Lee Seeman present certificates honoring Ong Wu, Sam H. Huey, Sheung Chung in honor of their service during WWII. Caption: IMG_8427_1.jpg: Supervisor Judi Bosworth and Council Member Lee Seeman present a proclamation to the Veterans Honor Guard for their commitment to veterans and veterans programs.

Town of North Hempstead Supervisor Judi Bosworth and Council Member Lee Seeman recently attended a veterans observance event at Clinton G. Martin Park on June 13.

The event was hosted by the Chinese Center on Long Island with support from the Ethnic Coalition of Faith Partners and featured the stories of Chinese-American veterans and paid tribute to those who served in World War II.

Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead.

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