Town initiates online suggestion box

Town initiates online suggestion box

The Town of North Hempstead has announced the launch of a new online suggestion box. The suggestion box will be a crowdsourcing portal for residents to leave comments, ideas, concerns, and suggestions with the goal of improving Town functions, facilities, and programs.

At launch, the town is encouraging residents to send their ideas about how the Town can be more helpful as communities and governments continue to navigate through the coronavirus public health crisis.

“Now more than ever, my priority is to look for ways to make our Town government more accessible to our residents,” said North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth. “As we all grapple with the various impacts of coronavirus, I want to ensure that North Hempstead remains a proactive partner with the residents we serve. The online suggestion box will allow residents to play a significant role in the way we govern and operate, and I am looking forward to hearing what everyone has in mind.”

The suggestion box will be featured on the Town’s homepage at Residents will be prompted to state their concern or suggestion, outline the resources needed to support the suggestion, and cite examples of how other municipalities are addressing similar concerns.

The Town’s Efficiency Committee consisting of town leadership will review the suggestions. The Town Board will vote to create the Efficiency Committee at the next Town Board meeting on April 29.

If you have any questions or would like to submit a suggestion, visit, call 311, or (516) 869-6311.

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