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Town announces cancellations of events

The Town of North Hempstead has announced the postponement of Spring Fest, Asian American Festival, and the Memorial Day Commemoration and Fireworks until 2021. The events were originally scheduled to be held during the month of May.

The town also announced the cancellation of the Spring Stop Throwing Out Pollutants (S.T.O.P) events scheduled for Saturday, April 25 and Sunday, April 26 at North Hempstead Beach Park.

And that this year’s Operation Clean Sweep has been postponed. The two-week initiative is held during the spring and aims to clean North Hempstead’s roads ensuring that they are safe and clean.

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Due to ongoing concerns about the spread of coronavirus, the Town has made the decision to postpone holding any large gatherings for the time being.

“Nothing is more important than the safety and well being of you and your loved ones,” said North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth. “We care deeply about our residents and want to ensure that we protect the health and welfare of everyone in North Hempstead. We look forward to these events returning again in the future and seeing everyone there happy and healthy.”

Please continue to check the Town’s website or for the latest updates.

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