The Cow Neck Peninsula Historical Society partners with ReWild Long Island

The Cow Neck Peninsula Historical Society partners with ReWild Long Island
Cow Neck Peninsula Historical Society and ReWild Long Island at the ReWild Garden Showcase site, on the grounds of the Thomas Dodge Homestead

The Cow Neck Peninsula Historical Society has joined forces with ReWild Long Island to use the open garden space adjacent to the Thomas Dodge Homestead in Port Washington, located at 58 Harbor Road in Port Washington.

ReWild plans to showcase native plants in the gardens and promote the strong and growing demand for environmentally-friendly landscaping that increases bio-diversity and reduces the negative effects of the conventional approach to gardening.

From spring to fall, ReWild will use the ReWilding Showcase Gardens to promote climate awareness and the role of native plants in fostering biodiversity and resilience.

Visits to the gardens, via scheduled tours and workshops, will allow residents to learn about native plants and view them in easily replicated aesthetically pleasing designs.

The location of these gardens at the iconic Thomas Dodge Homestead also provides an opportunity to present plants in a historical context and educate about their use in medicine, clothing, food and art by natives and immigrants.

From April 2-April 19 ReWild Long Island is holding an online sale ( of native plants sourced from local wholesalers, offered at broadly affordable prices. On May 16th, ReWild volunteers will distribute the purchased plants at the ReWild Showcase Garden site, while adhering to all COVID-19 guidelines.

The design of the ReWild Showcase Gardens at Thomas Dodge Homestead will unfold over the course of Spring/Summer 2020. There are a number of elements of design including the layout of garden beds, plant selection, pathways, edging and signage that have to be considered and finalized. ReWild hopes to complete this process by late summer to get ready for Fall planting (and re-planting)

ReWild and the Cow Neck Peninsula Historical Society ( look forward to broad engagement from the public in creating a delightful and environmentally friendly experience at the Thomas Dodge Homestead.

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