Schreiber Class of ’69 50th Reunion scholarships

Schreiber Class of ’69 50th Reunion scholarships

Last summer, the Schreiber Class of 1969 gathered for our 50th Reunion. After the wonderful event, the Class decided to raise scholarships to help deserving students in Schreiber’s Class of 2020 to better afford their college education.

Like the 1960s, the Schreiber Class of 2020 is living through one of the most tumultuous and divisive times in world history. The 1960s was marked by the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War and antiwar protests, political assassinations and emerging “generation gaps.”

The Class of 2020 is challenged with racism, climate change, gender equality, health care, social and economic Disparity and COVID-19 which is defining a new normal. While the Class of ‘69’s efforts did not eradicate society’s inequities and problems but we did enact change.

The Schreiber Class of ’69 is so very pleased to pass the Torch of Change to the Class of ’20. In particular, we are very pleased to honor the following outstanding Schreiber students who were named as the recipients of the Schreiber Class of 1969 50th Reunion Scholarships: Yarlin Arias; Luca Barbosa; Cheryl Chang; Denise Faria; Jackeline Fernandes; Yesenai Ferrer Hidalgo; Admary Lopez; Denise Lozado and Christian Riano-Prada. Congratulations to these students and to the whole Class of ’20.

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