Perhaps Donald Davret (letter Jan. 25) can enlighten citizens on the time and effort he has personally invested to improve our political process.
I hope he has had a fraction of the pleasure I know from associations with dedicated people who make huge sacrifices to run for elective office and to serve the people.
His screed against state Comptroller Tom DiNapoli sets a mocking tone at the outset.
He refers to DiNapoli’s school board election as an “often used entry point to local politics.” One wonders how many school board meetings Davret has attended, and how cognizant is he of the extended hours of service given by scores of Long Island school board members (most have commitments to children and education, not to seeking pathways to other offices).
What should readers make of Davret’s sole reference to DiNapoli’s mentor, May Newburger as “most frequently remembered for saying things in a loud voice?”
Do North Hempstead citizens who voted repeatedly — and overwhelmingly — for Newburger and her protégé DiNapoli have affirmative views of their public service.
What should be concluded from Davret’s characterization that DiNapoli’s boosters are a “group of useful idiots” who “blindly support” him?
Do Davret’s attacks also diminish North Hempstead voters (often considered by others as among the best educated and engaged in the nation)?
Michael D’Innocenzo
My Dear Mr. Dinnocenzo:
This is what is known as a “non-denial denial,” a term we learned from the Watergate days. When H.R. Haldeman was accused of obstruction of justice, the White House stated as, you did, replied that Mr. Haldeman “was one of the most dedicated public servants known.” Later, he was convicted and imprisoned for the very thing he was accused of.
You answered NONE of my points. And that is Mr. DiNapoli was preposterously unqualified for the job the disgraced Mr. Silver appointed him too, in SPITE of the recommendations of a distinguished panel of experts who I assume included Carl McCall, among others. The State Legislature simply obeyed Silver’s orders like trained seals without regard to any professional input. THIS is the government you’re openly proud of.
Maybe serving in a local school board is a noble thing. That doesn’t give you the background, training or temperament to oversee the goings on of a $1.1 trillion economy.
Mr. Napoli has squandered his oversight career looking for extra petty cash in libraries, while the REAL budget busting practices of mismanaged and corrupted agencies like the MTA and the Port Authority go untouched. Again: THIS IS DELIBERATE.
People vote for mediocrities like this because, quite frankly, people like Joe Mondello, Joe Cairo and Jay Jacobs aren’t exactly culling our best and brightest from what is already a weak political bench. Personally, I’m watching with amazement as Ms. Curran hamhandedly attempts to “fix” our assessment system. This is ALREADY a fiasco.
I don’t take a back seat to anyone on my knowledge of public policy in this state. You better come up with a better response than blind fealty if you want better outcomes for the people who pay the freight here.
Good day.