Readers Write: On accepting the Democratic nomination

Readers Write: On accepting the Democratic nomination

At the New York State Democratic Convention, which was held at Hofstra University, I accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination to continue representing New York State’s 16th Assembly District.

I felt humbled and at the same time, I felt proud to again receive their nomination.
In the assembly I have been working to introduce and vote for bills which are in the best interest of our constituents. I have met many of my constituents and spoke to them about local and state issues and attended ceremonies recognizing people’s accomplishments.
It has always been my passion to be a civil servant and to try to do my best to improve other people’s lives.

I personally know what it’s like to work hard and long hours, I came here as an immigrant with only an eighth-grade education, went to night school for 16 years and eventually received my master’s degree.
Thank you for the honor and privilege of being your state representative. I look forward to keep representing the residents of the 16th Assembly District.

Anthony D’Urso

State Assemblyman

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