Readers Write: Making lists

Readers Write: Making lists
Udalls Cove Annual Cleanup Crew

During the beach cleanup I wrote a simple list in a most casual hand,
and while not asked for initialed it. Writing wants what writing
must have, a memory, and not by chance.
Words, words, the pleasure a rose, a carnival in play.
Proof we are between the world of objects and rainbow,
not a stone or bee or tree. Here is an accounting:

16 shredded shopping bags
34 water & soda bottles
nylon boat rope (several yards)
5 Styrofoam buoys
4 large slabs of Styrofoam
1 baby sucker
2 diapers
1 plastic dinosaur (Stegosaurus)
a decent set of pink headphones (working)
3 synthetic surgical masks (this is something new)
vinyl window frame minus glass
19 beer & soda cans
5 plastic liquor bottles
9 tires
traffic construction barrier (florescent orange)
4 rusted metal buoys (bulky, heavy)
1/3 crushed plastic canoe & 1 broken paddle
sheets of matted pink fiberglass insulation
6 medicine bottles
1 large vinyl covered cushion (blue)
2 insulin needles
3 balloons with stringers, 1 w/o
carcass of large bird (seagull/heron?) & 2 fish trapped in netting
5 pieces treated lumber
2 large plastic chemical barrels (empty)
3 plastic coolers
fishing line, with & w/o hooks
metal rebar, fencing, shopping cart… junk
Plus 11 large garbage bags, filling 1 large dumpster.

When finished, if truth be told, I’d like to think I could
make a different list (I wish), but all I can do is count refuse.

Stephen Cipot
Garden City Park

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