This is a call to state Sen. Anna Kaplan, a voice for reason, good sense legislation and the immigrant. She campaigned on these promises and now is the time to come out in support of the Green Light campaign to secure driver’s licenses for ALL New Yorkers regardless of documentation.
Last week, amendments were added to the bill, as requested by our district attorneys, that make law enforcement more supportive. Police officers will be able to get the information they need about individual drivers to carry out traffic laws and ensure public safety. While many of our newly elected Long Island Democratic state senators continue to waver in their support, I’m calling on my state senator, Anna Kaplan, to be a leader among her Senate colleagues on Long Island and come out in support of the Driver’s License Access and Privacy Act.
Good sense and reason must prevail.
The New York state bill will keep undocumented folks safer from detainment and deportation, it will keep everyone on the road safer by making sure the majority of drivers are licensed and insured, and it will bring in millions of dollars of needed revenue to our state. If we don’t pass it by the time the New York legislative session ends June 19, communities that desperately need this legislation will have to wait at least another year.
Jeanette Walowitz
Great Neck
Bend the Arc NY Chapter Leader