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Ra participates in successful toy drive for local children during holiday season

Assemblyman Ra with John Theissen

State Assemblyman Ed Ra (R-Franklin Square) participated in a local Holiday Toy Drive that proved to be very successful.

Ra, along with others in the community, was able to fill two full ten-foot U-Haul trucks with toy donations. The toys were given to the John Theissen Children’s Foundation and the Child Life program at NYU’s Langone Hospital. The donated toys brought a great sense of joy to these children during this difficult year.

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“Supporting our community’s youth is at the center of our mission in public service, and being able to bring them a source of happiness this holiday season was well worth the effort,” said Ra. “It was incredible to see school districts from across our area get involved in the drive.

Districts that participated included: Carle Place, Mineola, Franklin Square and New Hyde Park-Garden City Park. The families, students, faculties and staff are owed a large thank you for their charitable donations that brought smiles to the children of the John Theissen Foundation and NYU’s Langone Hospital.”

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