Parker Jewish Institute administers second dose of COVID-19 vaccine

Parker Jewish Institute administers second dose of COVID-19 vaccine

Parker Jewish Institute has announed that it is now administering the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine to residents and staff.

“The COVID-19 vaccines are key in protecting against the virus. We are doing everything we possibly can at Parker to keep our residents and our team members safe,” said Michael N. Rosenblut, Parker’s president and CEO. “We are so grateful to be at this turning point now in the fight against the pandemic.”

Parker is partnering with Walgreens, one of the approved pharmacies, to administer the vaccine. This process requires two doses that are at a minimum provided 21 days apart. Parker, which provided the first round of the Pfizer vaccine on Dec. 21, is working closely with residents and their families, as well as staff members, to ensure the successful rollout and scheduling of the vaccine.

Residents and staff reported that they were filled with optimism about the vaccination process.

“I’m feeling fine,” said Rosario Shipp, a resident at Parker, after receiving her second dose of the vaccine. Knowing that the vaccine has a high efficacy rate, she said, “I’m going to be ok.”

“I received my second COVID-19 vaccine Monday. I’m feeling well,” said Geralyn M. Abel, RN, BSN, and an Infection Control Practitioner at Parker. “There’s a little of soreness at the injection site, but nothing more than taking any other kind of vaccine for me. It’s a great opportunity to be vaccinated against COVID. My physician recommends it. I think it’s the best thing to do for my optimum health.”
“Taking the vaccine is the best thing we can do for herd immunity and to have antibodies against the COVID virus,” Ms. Abel added. “Since there is no treatment for it, the best defense is to be preventative.”
“I don’t feel any side effects,” said Dr. Igor Israel, Parker’s Medical Director, who had his first dose of the vaccine Tuesday. “It makes me feel great that everyone is getting the vaccine at Parker. Finally, we have a light at the end of the tunnel.”
Parker will continue to update the community about the vaccination process as new information becomes available.
Parker’s clinical team is available to speak with family members who have questions regarding the vaccine and about their loved ones. Family members are directed to call the Family Call Center at 718-289-2888, or email

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