Join One World Girl, a non-profit that unites girls to be changemakers in the world, on Saturday, March 9, from 2 to 7 p.m., at Broadway’s “The Prom.”
The day’s festivities will start with a matinee showing of the upbeat new musical from the creators of “The Book of Mormon” and “Mean Girls.” This will be followed by a post-show dinner and group conversation on the important lessons of love, non-judgment and courage to stand up for what’s right in the midst of prejudice and intolerance. Here you can share your own stories and explore how to live with boldness and authenticity while finding concrete ways to make positive change in the fight for equality and acceptance for all.
Tickets are priced at $105 per person for the show, dinner and conversation. The event is appropriate for boys and girls, ages 12 and up.
For more information or to register, contact Lesley Mazzotta at or 917-623-4554.
One World Girl’s empowerment day at “The Prom” is in partnership with The Congregational Church of Manhasset and the local Gay Straight Alliance.