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Kremer’s Corner: Dr. Strangelove is living in the White House

Jerry Kremer

Jerrry Kremer

I am growing a little older each day as are the rest of you. I often lament about the fact that time is going by so fast, but each day I awake with Donald Trump in the White House, I start wishing that the planet would spin around the sun a lot faster.

I truly worry what the occupant of the Oval Office will do next short of getting us into another war, which might be the last one.

The voters who cast their ballots for Trump were lured into the belief that a successful businessman who didn’t want to be politically correct would be our savior.

Statistics continue to show that even after a historic shutdown of our government and a slew of indictments of people involved in his campaign, 37 percent of the country is still in his corner, ready to follow him anywhere, including over a cliff.

Each day of his tenure, we are treated to another tweet, a diatribe against some political foe or a misspelled outburst of anger targeting someone or something. His policy of the day, with the help of his kindergarten level staff, sends shock waves around the country and often around the world.

I never thought that anyone utterance from the commander-in-chief could be the topper, but the attack on his own members of the intelligence community sent shivers through my body, especially as a person who has spent a lifetime as a student of government operations.

We are living in dangerous times and as citizens, we have to rely on the leaders of the CIA, FBI and other security agencies to protect us from foreign adversaries who are bent on destroying the American dream.

When the people who protect us from our sworn enemies, warn us that the Russians are undermining our country on a daily basis and that it would be a danger to precipitously pull American troops out of Syria and Afghanistan, we owe them the respect they deserve for their dedication to the safety of we the people.

When they rebut the President’s claims that Iran is busy preparing for war, they are entitled to be listened to before it is too late.

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You don’t have to be a foreign affairs expert to see what is coming from the unhinged president. Making a deal with the Taliban in Afghanistan that America will pull out its troops in return for a promise that these thugs will not allow terrorists into their country is the height of folly.

It wasn’t that long ago that the Taliban were shutting down girl’s schools and blowing up religious monuments as well as imposing archaic customs on the people under their control.

There is no question that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is itching to have America drop some bombs on Iran or its forces in Syria.

The recent Trump warning that “Iran is coming perilously close to taking some hostile act,” is nothing more than a contrived excuse to light a new fire in that fragile part of the world. When the intelligence experts tell the President that Iran is complying with the peace treaty he blasts them and urges them to go “back to school.”

The recent government shutdown, which caused an estimated $11 billion in damages to our economy, should have been a lesson to Trump that our country can’t afford a second shutdown. As a rational step towards a solution to the standoff, Congress formed a joint committee to come up with some type of bi-partisan compromise.

The President’s reaction to this effort was to tell the negotiators that if he didn’t get his way, whatever they agree on would not matter.

If anyone wrote a proposed movie script about the day-to-day events in the White House, a producer would reject it as being unrealistic.

But sadly for us it is happening minute-by-minute and hour-by-hour. If the occupant of the White House isn’t scaring you, it’s time for a national reality check before it is too late.

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