Holiday happenings at the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection

Holiday happenings at the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection

The church invites all to services on Dec. 14 at  p.m. to learn, share and grow in the sacred truth: Honor Oneself.

Seeking remedies for distress?

Jesus said, “Come to me all you who are troubled, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28).

That is the heart of the healing service, in which you hear, “So come, you who are burdened by regrets, anxieties, fear, guilt or doubt, you who are broken in body or spirit, come; for Jesus invites us to bring him our brokenness.”

All are welcome Wednesdays at 10 a.m. (except the week after Christmas).

Looking for more value or purpose in your life?

Exploring the “big questions” – about the meaning of life, our place in it, who God is and how to connect – this is not everyday conversation for most folks. We are often too busy with the “here and now” to contemplate the “beyond” or even our deepest longings. Spiritual direction is a process in which a seeker is guided to recognize the truths within and to strengthen spiritual connections.

As a certified spiritual director, I offer a safe space to explore what matters to you, drawing on beliefs that feed your soul. Make an appointment with the director via email: There is no fee for consultations.

Is Scripture relevant for you?

Do you ever feel confused or even “turned off” by Scripture?

If you attend church, does what you hear have meaning for your life? Every Wednesday at 10:30 (except the week after Christmas) we gather to listen, learn the “backstory”, and discuss how the coming Sunday’s Scripture has meaning for our lives today.

Are you unavailable during the day and interested in this being offered in the evening? Let us know at

Seeking Comfort and Joy this Christmas?

Christmas Eve Worship at 4:00 p.m.: Christmas story, songs, candlelight, Holy Communion, O Holy Night solo and more.
Christmas Day worship at 10:00 am. Traditional prayers, scripture, Christmas music, and holy communion.

Looking for Love?

Join us Jan. 18 at 7:00 pm to learn, share and grow in the sacred truth: Love is divine power.


Do you ever feel confused or even “turned off” by Scripture? If you attend church, does what you hear have meaning for your life? Every Wednesday at 10:30 (except the week after Christmas) we gather to listen, learn the “backstory”, and discuss how the coming Sunday’s Scripture has meaning for our lives today. Are you unavailable during the day and interested in this being offered in the evening? Let us know at

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