Floral Park Library Open for Browsing beginning July 13

Floral Park Library Open for Browsing beginning July 13

The Floral Park Library Is Now Open for Browsing beginning July 13
Monday to Friday: 10:00AM-5:00PM

“Open for Browsing” means you can come inside, walk around the library, look for and check out books and other items. Please limit your time to one hour. A maximum of 30 patrons and staff in the library at any given time is permissible.
Our patrons and staff are required to wear face coverings at all times while in the library per Executive Order 202.17. Face coverings must cover both your mouth and nose.
We are expecting everyone to maintain social distancing practices while in the library. We ask that, when entering, you check in at the circulation desk. We will be maintaining a log of names and entry times to help us monitor the number of visitors at any given time throughout the day.
Sanitizer is provided in the lobby of the library as well as throughout the building. We ask that you utilize the sanitizer prior to handling of items and equipment.
Seating has been removed or blocked off to discourage congregating.
Computers are available for limited use by reservation. Please call our reference desk at 326-6330 to reserve an appointment. Appointments are of one hour duration.
WiFi and charging are available for limited use by appointment. Please call our reference desk at 326-6330 to reserve a time slot. Appointments are of one hour duration.
Thank you for cooperating with all of the guidelines we have in place to keep us all safe. This wonderful opportunity to have to library available for browsing depends upon the full cooperation of our patron community.

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