Inc. Village of Floral Park
Board of Trustees Reports
June 2, 2020
Department of Public Works – Deputy Mayor Kevin Fitzgerald
Deputy Mayor Fitzgerald reported that DPW is planting trees at various locations throughout the Village. If you would like to request a tree, please contact the Village DPW to be placed on the tree list.
DPW has been very busy on road repair and has completed large patches and filled a large number of potholes with special attention to Beech Street that was in need of repair. Thank you to DPW Superintendent Kevin Ginnane for all of the work that he and his DPW staff perform for the benefit of the Village. You can visit the new tree that Superintendent Ginnane recently planted at the Floral Park Library.
Deputy Mayor Fitzgerald reported that progress is being made on the Village’s goal to help improve the business districts and its streetscapes. For the past 6 to 8 months, he along with the Mayor and Board, Village Administrator Gerry Bambrick, Building Superintendent Renee Marcus and DPW Superintendent Kevin Ginnane have formed various committees to find ways to improve the business districts and streets.
A Request for Proposal for a consultant was developed to assist the Village on this critical goal, which is more important now, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Awarding the contract tonight to NV5 for their consulting services for the planning and design of Floral Park’s Beautification of Streetscapes in the Business District is a major step in this process.
The Board and Administration were able to secure funding from the MTA Community Benefit Fund through its many years of negotiations to help pay for planned road improvements. The Board is committed to partnering with its businesses; this is a multi-year process that will hopefully result in attracting new businesses and revenue to Floral Park and create an even greater place to live.
Recreation and Pool Departments – Trustee Pombonyo
Trustee Pombonyo reported that the singles tennis players have been active with over 240 sign-ups for our Village courts since the opening day on May 16th. Nassau County officials have informed us that, as of now, doubles tennis will reopen in Phase 4 when recreation reopens.
“Is the pool opening, and when?” are the questions on everyone’s minds these days. We understand that our NYS Governor will be making the decision on pool reopenings. In the meantime, our Village pool staff is researching, looking at and considering multiple pool opening alternatives that will be enjoyable and safe for our pool members of all ages and meet all the requirements imposed by New York State, Nassau County, the CDC and other agencies.
Many factors and variables (some of which are under the Village’s control and others which are not) are being considered in new and different ways. These include the flexible use of space and the physical layout of the pool area, staff assignments, swimming schedules, spacing and social distancing, pool programs, use and care of the furniture and bathrooms, and cleaning and disinfecting, to name a few.
Emerging health and safety guidelines and procedures will be incorporated. As more fully informed plans are developed and finalized, we will use a variety of our communication tools to get the word out about our “Summer 2020 at the Park and Pool” plans.
Conservation Society – Trustee Pombonyo
Trustee Pombonyo announced that, two days following this year’s extraordinary Memorial Day parade and salute to our veterans and first responders, another spring tradition was celebrated – the opening of Centennial Gardens.
Since the opening day on May 27th, over 650 visitors have walked through the Gardens enjoying the sunny, spring weather, the blossoming flowers, the unique species of trees and plants, and the hundreds of interesting birds and wildlife that inhabit the Gardens. Many of our visitors have been so enthralled that they signed up to volunteer for the Floral Park Conservation Society and regularly care for and maintain their own small garden or area.
You, too, are invited to become a Conservation Society volunteer by simply (1) completing the Volunteer Form on our website, or (2) sending a private message on our Floral Park Centennial Gardens Facebook page or Instagram.
Centennial Gardens is open from noon to 5 pm daily. Come and take a relaxing walk under the huge shade trees on the interior perimeter path that encircles the Gardens’ upper level, or walk down the sloping path and see the beauty of the distinct flower gardens on the lower level. The Gardens experience may be the highlight of your day!
Covert Avenue Chamber of Commerce and Our Businesses – Trustee Pombonyo
Trustee Pombonyo encouraged all to continue spreading the SHOP AND DINE LOCAL message. As our businesses adapt to the ever-changing health and safety guidelines, create new and exciting ways to serve the public, and reopen their businesses, please continue to visit Covert and Tulip Avenues and Jericho Turnpike, and enjoy all that our Floral Park and Stewart Manor businesses have to offer!
Fire Department – Trustee Cheng
Our entire Fire Department remembered Memorial Day with an approximately 9 mile caravan throughout the Village with many of our Veterans. Wreaths were placed at 2 memorials and all participated in the reading of the names of our Veterans who gave their lives for the United States.
This unique Memorial Day event was witnessed by hundreds of our residents who cheered for all involved. This truly was a great event.
Last Sunday, the Department and many of our neighboring Departments participated in a drive-by salute commemorating and celebrating 50 years of service by Ex-Chief Ken Fairben. Heartfelt thanks to you, Chief Whale for serving the Department and our Village for the past half century.
Fire calls have decreased during the month of May and for that we are grateful. I especially want to express my gratitude to three members of the Department, Ex-Chiefs Ken Fairben and Chuck Zuba and Ryan Galasso. Despite not being members of the Rescue Company, they have responded to the vast majority of Rescue calls and each served as the driver of the ambulance.
Each month I thank each and every member of the Fire Department for responding to fire and rescue calls during this time. We continue to pray for your safety and continued health. But there is another way to thank our volunteers. In March, we all received a solicitation from the Fire Department for their annual fundraising drive.
In the Spring, the Fire Department members usually do a house to house solicitation, but this year they are unable to do so due to the pandemic. If you are financially able to contribute, please show your support for the Fire Department and express your thanks for their commitment, dedication and bravery. Your contributions can be made out to the Floral Park Fire Department and sent to Village Hall.
Third Track – Trustee Cheng
Painting and the application of anti-graffiti sealant at the Linden Avenue tunnel was completed this week. Temporary handrails have been installed and we are waiting for the approval of this stopgap measure by the MTA to reopen the tunnel. As I report today, the MTA is scheduled to inspect the tunnel Thursday. As soon as the approval is given, the tunnel will be reopened. Finally, electrical work continues to be done at the Plainfield Avenue Bridge.
Library – Trustee Chiara
Our Library continues to offer services and events to our residents, many of which are online/virtually because of the Governor’s Coronavirus orders. Tonight, the Library is having a Family Trivia Challenge with a winner to be announced thereafter. The recent Family Riddle contest winner was E. Price who received a gift card to the Tulip Bake Shop. Recently our Librarian trainee, Kelly has created a weekly how-to-craft video for children. This will run till Aug. 1. The virtual cooking classes, chair yoga and story time all continue and are being well attended.
A Good Read Book suggestion list is now online with books that are on the available from the Library. The lobby pick-up is going strong with many requests coming in and being fulfilled.
The Library is also planning a virtual Escape Room event for later this month. Continue to check the Library’s website for all that is being offered. Once again, a great job to our Library staff for being so creative!
Building Department – Trustee Chiara
Due to COVID-19, Phase 1 opening for the Floral Park area now allows all construction to start up. Safeguards such as face masks, social distancing and limiting interior workers to 1 per 250 square feet of area are in effect until we are notified differently.
There has been a noticeable uptick for building permits and the Building Department is doing its best to turn them around as quickly as possible.
Above ground pools and fence applications are being expedited, typically approved within three days. Please contact the Building Department at with any questions on construction projects and required permits.
Mayor’s Report – Mayor Longobardi
Mayor Longobardi reported that the Floral Park Memorial Day holiday was a very special event this year. A 9 mile drive-by parade was held with the Mayor and Board of Trustees, the Floral Park Fire and Police Departments as well as the many civic, volunteer and local business organizations. It was wonderful to see so many residents with smiles on their faces come out on each block that the parade passed through to wave flags and celebrate with us.
Special wreath-laying ceremonies were held throughout the Village to honor those we loved and cherished in the Armed Forces who made the ultimate sacrifice for us to enjoy the freedoms we enjoy today. I especially want to thank Matt Cacciatore, Commander of the Floral Park American Legion, Post 334, who coordinated the commemoration this year. Thank you to all of the residents of Floral Park.
Trustee Chiara noted in his report that there has been an increase in backyard pool permit applications this season. A number of residents have requested that the Village loosen its rules and regulations related to the installation of backyard pools. The Board will not be loosening any rules as they are designed to protect the safety and security of lives and avoid tragedy.
The Village has become aware of the possibility of a protest in memory of the death of George Floyd on Thursday, June 4 at 4:30 PM at Memorial Park. Please be advised that the Floral Park Police Department is aware of the situation and is making plans to ensure for peace and order during the protest.
I would like to thank Police Commissioner McAllister and the Police Department for their attention to this event and all of the safety and protections that all citizens and the public deserve. There are many rumors about the protest.
It is the Village’s understanding that a group of independent young residents in Floral Park who want to exercise their First Amendment rights are organizing the protest on social media. I would like to thank Commissioner McAllister, Lieutenants McCarthy and Doherty as well as Village Administrator Gerry Bambrick and Village Clerk Susan Walsh for collaborating on monitoring this important issue to serve the best interests of all the residents in the Village of Floral Park.
Finally, I would like to remind all residents that the Village is coordinating with New York State and Nassau County on the COVID-19 related phased-in reopenings of Village sites and providing services in accordance with all Executive Orders and Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines.
We eagerly await and have plans in place to reopen Village services such as the Pool and the Recreation Center as soon as possible when the COVID-19 metrics are achieved and we are given the green light to move ahead.
In the meantime, I encourage all resident and the public to continue to practice proper social distancing and wear protective masks and equipment and to be respectful of each other. We are all in this together and we will all get through this together. I look forward to when we can enjoy the summer and the good things we love in Floral Park being with each other. Thank you.