Assemblyman D’Urso attends rally against gun violence

Assemblyman D’Urso attends rally against gun violence
Assemblyman D’Urso pictured with Moms Demand Action members.

Assemblyman Anthony D’Urso joined his colleagues in government to attend the Call to Action in order to raise awareness about ending gun violence. Activist groups including Mom’s Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, Make it Stop, Together We Will, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, and many more gathered together at the Haypath Park Community Center in Bethpage, in light of the recent tragic shootings across the country.  Mass shooting survivors and faith leaders also attended the event to protest gun violence, and to call for reform.

Last year alone, D’Urso sponsored nine bills to curb gun violence, but there is still more to be done. “Organizations like Moms Demand Action and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence must continue to influence lawmakers in creating much needed changes to gun policy in America,” said D’Urso. “Unfortunately mass shootings persist, and the federal government has done nothing to change weapon policy. We in New York approved some of the strongest gun laws in the country. It is imperative that the United State Senate passes legislation for universal background checks. Now is the time for action and not more prayer.”

“Time and time again we gather to oppose gun violence, but our demands are not met by the federal government, so we must speak louder and work harder to oppose gun violence here in America. There are thousands of victims of gun violence every year so we must do right by them,” added the assemblyman.

Assemblyman D’Urso is pictured with Moms Demand Action members.

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