Port ed board adopts 2023-2024 $184.3 million budget, 2.63% tax levy increase

Port ed board adopts 2023-2024 $184.3 million budget, 2.63% tax levy increase
The Port Washington Board of Education voted to adopt its 2023-2024 budget during an April 18 meeting. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

The Port Washington Board of Education voted to adopt its 2023-2024 budget of $184,265,295 with a 2.63% tax levy increase during a meeting Tuesday night.

The newly adopted budget is increasing by 5.39%, compared to the district’s 2022-2023 budget established at $174.8 million.

The tax levy for 2023-2024 is $154.5 million, a 2.63% increase from the prior tax levy of $150.6 million.

The district’s current enrollment is estimated at 5,270 students, according to the last enrollment report conducted on March 29. This is 37 more students than the district had at the same time last year, according to Assistant Superintendent Christopher Shields.

Based on the most recent enrollment numbers provided by the district, the 2023-2024 budget would approximate $34,965 spending per pupil.

“Given the current economic climate and where things are, we really have a budget that everyone should be very proud of,” board President Adam Smith said during the meeting.

To balance the budget, the district had to reduce support staff, reduce transportation costs by purchasing new buses and hiring drivers and reduce multiple codes, according to an April 4 presentation.

Budget challenges the district faced included an 18% increase in health insurance premium rates, transportation costs, increases in contractual costs due to inflation and rising utility costs.

Total state aid for the school district in 2023-2024 is estimated at $20,310,810, an increase compared to the current budget’s total aid of $15,861,608.

The board stated that the adopted budget will maintain or expand the current programs being offered by the school district.

The Port Washington Board of Education will convene again for a budget hearing on May 2 to present the budget to the public. The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Schreiber Auditorium.

District residents are then able to vote on the budget on May 16 during the school district’s election. The election will also include voting on two candidates for two seats on the board of education. Board members Julie Epstein and Rachel Gilliar are running for re-election unopposed.

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