Flower Hill passes mailing notice law

Flower Hill passes mailing notice law
The Flower Hill Board of Trustees at its meeting Monday. (Photo by Maylan L. Studart)

By Maylan L. Studart

The Flower Hill Board of Trustees passed two local laws, introduced two more and created a new committee at a meeting on Monday.

One law is a minor change in the method of mailing notices to the village so residents will now have to require a signature.

The second law introduces the next polling location. General elections will be held on Tuesday, March 19, from noon to 9 p.m. with the polling place to be at Village Hall.

Taking up other housekeeping business in the village, the board discussed matters like taxes and rock curbs, and passed a motion to introduce two local laws.

One law to be introduced in the next meeting changes the word fences in a chapter of the village code to fences and retaining walls. It was a minor title change that needed to be corrected in the code, said village Administrator Ronnie Shatzkamer.

A second new law to be introduced would require property owners who want to build a tennis court to get approval from the Board of Trustees.

For local taxes the county assessment didn’t change, and the board adopted the tax roll of 2018 for 2019, meaning village taxes will be exactly what they were in 2018.

When discussing the code on tennis courts, Flower Hill Mayor Robert McNamara suggested the issue should be in the responsibility of the Architecture Review Committee.

“I have a say on what goes to ARC and can make it so,” said Building Superintendent Peter Albinski. The board was concerned with addressing primarily the screening and high fencing and possible noise and lighting violations.

One issue that took plenty of attention was rocks that residents use to protect their lawns from cars on blind curves. The village understands there are safety issues with the rocks for both pedestrians and automobiles, but residents feel the rocks protect their homes from cars.

“This is an issue that has gone on for 50 years,” said the mayor. “Since the stone age, it always comes up every couple years.”

Residents Stephen and Kevie Murphy attended the hearing to let the board know the rocks make them feel safe inside their home.

“People use the rocks to feel safe in their homes and so that cars aren’t parked on their lawns,” Kevie Murphy said.

Because the issue is a liability problem for homeowners, drivers and the village, the mayor created a Rock Committee to discuss the issue, speak to residents and perhaps resolve the issue.

Trustee Brian Herrington, Mayor McNamara, Trustee Frank Geneses and resident Stephen Murphy will make up the new committee.

The board approved a higher amount for the Roslyn fire contract for 2019: $251,527 compared with $236,375 in 2018.

Finally, a recycling flyer will soon be going out to remind residents how and what they should recycle.

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