Three Democrats are vying for their party’s nomination to replace embattled Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano nearly a year before the 2017 countywide elections.
County Legislator Laura Curran of Baldwin announced her candidacy Tuesday, a week to the day after the presidential election, saying she is a sort of outsider ready to reform a county government run into the ground by machine politicians.
“Now is not the time for phony-baloney solutions or tinkering around the edges of our very real problems,” Curran told about three dozen supporters in her Baldwin living room Tuesday morning. “It’s time for a fresh start.’’
State Assemblyman Charles Lavine (D-Glen Cove) also said this week that he would run, about a week after winning a seventh term in Albany.
Motivated by the indictment of Mangano, a second-term Republican, on federal corruption charges last month, Lavine said he would weed out corruption and strengthen government ethics in Nassau as he has sought to do in the state Legislature.
“It’s simply time for some honest leadership,” Lavine said. “I detest corruption and I detest the cynical exploitation of government.”
Curran and Lavine join county Comptroller George Maragos, a former Republican who changed parties in September, among the Democrats officially running for Mangano’s seat. Jack Schnirman, the Democratic Long Beach city manager, is also mulling a bid.
It is uncertain whom Republicans will nominate following Mangano’s indictment. Mangano has pleaded not guilty and refused to resign, but has not said whether he plans to run for re-election.
Curran, the first woman to ever run for county executive, is serving her second two-year term in the county Legislature after sitting on the Baldwin school board from 2011 to 2014. She will not run for re-election to the Legislature.
As county executive, Curran said, she would use technology to make government more efficient and transparent and get the county’s finances under control with “hard decisions” and “realistic budgeting.”
Curran touted her work as a member of the Legislature’s Democratic minority to pass bipartisan laws, and slammed Mangano’s plan to create and raise dozens of county fees and his practice of borrowing for operating expenses.
She recently angered her caucus when she voted with Republicans to approve borrowing for infrastructure projects in her district, breaking with Democrats’ refusal to do so until the county creates an independent inspector general’s office to oversee contracts.
“I understand that the way I operate perhaps ruffles some feathers, but I think that our residents have to come first,” Curran said.
Lavine was first elected to the Assembly in 2004 and is the chairman of its Committee on Ethics and Guidance and the co-chair of the New York State Legislative Ethics Commission.
In those roles, he has stiffened financial penalties for state lawmakers convicted of corruption and developed a policy addressing sexual harassment and racial discrimination in state government, he said.
With the possibility of more corruption charges against county officials, Lavine said, Nassau needs to restructure its government and hire an independent inspector general to oversee its procurement system.
Democrats have pressed for an inspector general since last year, when former state Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos was convicted of corruption.
“We need to get rid of political hacks who are on the public dole and we need to re-examine the structure of Nassau government from beginning to end,” Lavine said.
Lavine does not plan to resign his Assembly seat and could run for re-election in 2018 if his county executive campaign is unsuccessful, he said.
Jay Jacobs, the Nassau County Democratic Committee chairman, said he has not decided whether he will endorse any of his party’s candidates or whom he would endorse. He said a candidate will likely have to spend $2 million to $2.5 million to run a competitive campaign.
“I think all four of them can do the job,” Jacobs said. “Now the question is who is best positioned to win.”
Asked why so many Democrats have entered the field so soon, Jacobs said, “With all the blood in the water, you don’t have to throw in much bait.”
Republicans reportedly being considered for county executive include Kate Murray, a former Hempstead town supervisor who ran a losing bid for district attorney last year; Bruce Blakeman, a Hempstead town councilman; and state Sen. Jack Martins, who ran unsuccessfully for the North Shore’s 3rd Congressional District seat.
Joseph Mondello, the Nassau County Republican Committee chairman, and Brian Nevin, a spokesman for Mangano, did not respond to requests for comment.
Laura Curran’s first priority should be directed at ‘Boss’ Ed- sticky-fingers -Managano’s politically engineered health-care crisis at the jail that put NUMC’s Tragic-Care back in charge of inmates medical. Before Armor Correctional Health, there was NUMC’s Tragic-Care costing lives at NCCC. Nassau County knew about Armors numerous (pending lawsuits before hiring Armor. Nassau County [also] knows about the numerous lawsuits against NUMC. Nassau County’s (federally indicted) leader Ed- sticky-fingers -Mangano has managed, with the aid of his crony appointed Sheriff, Michael J.Spasato, has bamboozled Nassau County tax-payers taking the county backwards to the future with his enterprise corrupt agenda that puts lives at the jail in peril_inmates be damed! ‘Boss’ Mangano’s continuing criminal enterprise scheme, while under federal indictment for racketeering and bribery charges, has not stopped him from defrauding his constituents in Nassau County. Laura Curran’s first duty would be to recognize and expose Ed-sticky-fingers -Mangano’s regime that’s operating out of the Sheriff’s Department. NUMC’s medical; directors, Mangano’s crony appointed cohorts, have conspired to hide the truth about Darryl Woody’s (supposed suicide death on January 3, 2011, while “still” on 1to1 Suicide Supervision at NUMC. The Medical Center blames the NCCC. The jail blame NUMC. Both conspire to ‘Hide The Truth by denying access to the Video Surveillance Camera Files that depicts the true cause of Darryl Woody’s death by asphyxiation at NUMC_while ‘still’ on Suicide-Watch! Nassau County racketeering ‘Boss’ Ed- sticky-fingers -Mangano and his operatives at the jail, NUMC and on the Jails Advisory Board, along with Internal Affairs at the jail and the Homicide Division, have colluded to violate Darryl Woody’s Human And Civil Rights by obstructing justice in his death investigation by tampering with government protected (electronic0 files that depicts Darryl Woody’s True cause of death_asphyxiation, while “still” on 1to1 Suicide-Watch at NUMC. What’s NUMC, NCCC, Nassau County’s Executive Administration led by aAdministration ‘mobster’ have to hide? “We Can Handle The Truth!” Release The Video(s)!” “Now!” So Laura Curran’s litmus test should first be: Where does she stand on body-worn Video Cams for police officers that includes policies of transparency and [full] accountability. Then ask Laura Curran “What About Darryl Woody!” His death was caught on Video Surveillance Cameras at NUMC and at NCCC(!) Then ask that she [in person] file a FOIL Request for the public files. Index: 017721/2011. This is a “Major Scandal that’s being perpetrated against an innocent mentally-ill pre-trial detainee who was, like Thomas Pizzuto (1999), was attacked, brutalized, beaten and tortured with pepper gas (repeatedly) for seventeen hours, before being transported to NUMC. Days later Darryl Woody Would be “Found” Hanging in his room by jail guards that was [suppose to be sitting out-side his door at all times because of his history and an incident at NCCC. Darryl Was denied his medications and proper medical care at the jail and at NUMC. All caught on Video Surveillance Cameras! Prisoners Have Civil Rights Too. From Thomas Pizzto To Bartholomew Ryan… “What About Darryl Woody!” Index: 017721/2011. Trial Date: 9/11/2017 At the (corrupt) Supreme Courts in Mineola. Yes! This Is An Emergency!!!
Carrie Solages has the “Right” to be treated fairly! He also has the “Right” to defend himself in a fair trial by a fair and un-bias jury. He has the “Right” to be free from Cruel and Un-usual Punishment if he’s convicted on [domestic violence] charges. None of these protections were given to Darryl Woody who was arrested on (falsified) domestic violence charges on Dec. 24th [Christmas Eve] 2010. Carrie Solages, unlike Darryl Woody, was treated ‘Civil’ when he was arrested. Darryl Woody was abused, beaten and denied medical attention for the injuries he sustained while being interrogated by Williston Park detectives trying to force him to sign a false statement incriminating himself. Darryl Woody was taken to NCCC where it was reported that Darryl Woody attempted suicide at the police station. This in an effort to justify Darryl’s head injuries. He was placed on 1to1 Suicide Supervision and segregated from the general jail population. Then on Dec.24, 2010 Darryl Woody was begging for his medications and medical treatment when he was attacked, brutalized and then tortured by seven jail guards that responded to Darryl Woody’s (supposed) attempted suicide_while on 1to1 Suicide Supervision and held in a suicide prevention cell. Darryl was (supposedly) allowed to remove part of a smoke detector to use to slash his wrist and neck in an effort to get his [prescribed] medications and medical treatment for the head injuries that interrogating detectives described as “banging his head against a cement wall.” Darryl was taken to the medical unit at NCCC where he was hidden away for seventeen hours and [repeatedly] tortured by pepper gas by correctional guards at the jail. He was pepper gassed on four separate incidents and treated four times for burns that he received from the excessive force and abuse. Darryl words were “I did this to get my medications. I told them when I came in that I needed my medications and they wouldn’t give them to me.” [I’m sorry] but I need them. Days later while ‘still’ on 1to1 Suicide Supervision, and ‘still’ awaiting a bed in the psychiatric ward at NUMC, Darryl Woody was (supposedly) “Found” hanging by a sheet in the mental observation ward by jail guard that were suppose to be watching him on 1to1 Suicide Supervision (suicide-watch). His death was caught on Video Surveillance Cameras at NUMC and NCCC. These government protected files have been denied to us by NUMC, NCCC, and Nassau County (corrupt) Supreme Court Justices. NUMC blames the jail. NCCC blames the Medical Center. Both conspire to obstruct justice by hiding the Video(s) that depicts Darryl Woody’s neglect, abuse, torture, deliberate indifference, and the ‘true cause’ of Darryl Woody’s death, while ‘still’ on [1to1] Suicide Supervision and under doctors care at NUMC. Mr. Carrie Solages was elected to the legislature that voted to approve the installation of the Video Surveillance Cameras ordered by federal authorities and Nassau County’s DA’s Office in response to the [1999] beating (stomping) death of inmate Thomas Pizzuto for begging for ‘his’ prescribed medications. Five jail guards were convicted for Pizzuto’s death. Thomas Pizzuto’s death forced Nassau County’s (former) top Executive Thomas Gullota to install Cameras at NCCC and in the medical areas at NUMC. Darryl Woody, on the other hand, was denied this investigative tool that was suppose to protect the safety and security of correctional-staff and inmates. The Video Cameras were supposedly installed to protect the integrity of investigations into excessive force abuse claims by inmates against abusive (killer) jail guards at NCCC. Legislator Carrie Solages should show due diligence in this Matter Of Darryl Woody since he too was arrested for the same charge in Nassau County. Carrie Solages is innocent until proven guilty. “What About Darryl Woody!” His death was caught on Video Surveillance Cameras at NUMC and NCCC. Cameras approved by the legislature! Unfortunately, Darryl Woody wasn’t entitled to the same Constitutional Protections that Carrie Solages was given. Carrie Solages got released on his own recognizance; Darryl Woody got death and depravation of his Civil Rights to a fair trial that considers all the evidence and facts. Legislator Carrie Solages is in a unique position facing domestic violence charges. His position on the legislature is to uphold his ethical duties to the public and to Darryl Woody. All Carrie Solages has to do is ask “What About Darryl Woody!” to start the inquiry into the denied Video Surveillance Recordings of Darryl Woody’s death. He too may have been a victim of the corrupt judicial system that hides the truth! ‘What Does NUMC, NCCC, and Nassau County’s government administration (led by his ‘Boss’ (federally indicted) Ed- sticky-fingers -Mangano) Have To Hide? “We Can Handle The Truth!” Yes. Solages has the Right to be silent but his elected position in government requires that he speak out against fraud, corruption, and criminal actions that Nassau County tax-payers pay for in jury awards.
Stop The Press! Norma Gonslves has conspired with NCCC and NUMC to violate Darryl Woody’s Civill Rights to Due Process. Norma Gonsalves as a presiding member of the Jails Advisory Board that oversees NCCC in 2011 failed to hold NCCC and NUMC accountable or transparent in the January 3, 2011 death of Darryl Woody. Darryl Woody’s death on January 3, 2011, while on 1to1 Suicide Supervision at NUMC’s Secure prison Wing for prisoners at the jail, is a homicide covered-up to look like a [Suicide by hanging], Darryl Woody’s death was death was caught on Video Surveillance Cameras at NUMC and at NCCC. Nassau County is hiding the truth about Darryl Woody’s death by asphyxiation. Nassau County’s (federally indicted ) Executive Ed- Sticky-fingers -Mangano and his crony appointed cohorts at the jail and the Medical Center have colluded to obstruct justice by denying access to theses government protected (electronic) Files that depicts Darryl’s death_a homicide! Darryl Woody, like Thomas Pizzuto (1999) was begging for his (prescribed) medications at NCCC when he was attacked, brutalized, beaten and then [repeatedly] tortured by pepper gas by seven jail guards at NCCC, following a [reported] suicide attempt. Darryl, while on 1to1 Suicide watch was said to have removed his Suicide Prevention Gown, then climbed to the ceiling( in his suicide prevention cell), dismantle a smoke detector to use to slash his wrists and neck, in a attempt to get his denied medications. After his violent cell extraction, Darryl could be heard screaming…’Newsday Reports…’
“I told them when I came in I needed my medication, and they didn’t give it to me!” he cried out, his voice echoing through the cell block as he was taken to a shower for decontamination. “I did this to get my meds, I’m sorry, but I need them!”
No justice for Darryl Woody in Nassau County’s (corrupt0 Supreme Courts in Mineola. Darryl Woody’s death on January 3, 2011, while on 1to suicide watch; being treated by doctors at NUMC, was caught on Video Surveillance Cameras implemented by federal authorities, DA’s Office and Nassau County’s legislature. Darryl Woody’s Human and Civil Rights are being violated by Nassau Count’s Executive Administration and the Supreme Courts In Mineola. NCCC blames the Medical Center. NUMC blames that jail. Both Conspire to ‘hide the truth’ by denying access to the Video Surveillance Camera Files that depict Darryl Woody’s true cause of death by_asphyxiation, while on “1to1 suicide-watch at NUMC_a homicide! This is a cover-up; a “Major Scandal that’s being perpetrated against an innocent, mentally-ill, pre-trial detainee, who was begging for his (prescribed) medications, when he, like Thomas Pizzuto (1999), was attacked beaten brutalized and then tortured for seventeen hours before being transported to NUMC the following day for treatment. Days later Darryl Woody was said to have been “Found” hanging by jail guards that were suppose to be on constant 1to1 watch; sitting outside his room door at NUMC. This is a “homicide” that’s being covered-up as a suicide by hanging by NUMC, NCCC, and Nassau County’s (federally indicted) Executive, including members of the Jail Advisory Board and the legislature. Nassau County has engineered this case to stay in local courts instead of the feds by poisoning the attorney pool and compromising our lawyers ethical responsibility to effective counsel. Three Conflicts of interest concerning three separate lawyers have happened due to corrupt tactics, political connections, or just ‘seling-out’ Nassau County’s corporate establishment that runs Nassau County and the judicial system. This is a political hit-job that is being perpetrated by Ed- sticky-fingers -Mangano and his crony appointed operatives at NUMC and in the Sheriff’s Department; facilitated by Norma Gonsalves collaborating, colluding regime in the legislature. This is a federal case! Where are the feds? The feds are in bed with Nassau County’s corrupt politics. How did the Homicide Division, DA’ s Office, NYSCOC, NYCLU, The AG’s Office, Internal Affairs, Risk Management at NUMC, [all] fail to review the Video Surveillance Files that depicts the truth? Systematic collusion, malfeasance, misfeasance, omission and enterprise corrupt fraud by a Continuing Criminal Enterprise led by Nassau County’s racketeering ‘Boss’ Ed-sticky-fingers -Mangano in his fraudulent schemes that defrauds tax-payers. NUMC and NCCC are getting away with murder! This made possible with the aid of Nassau County’s corrupt courts where discovery motions to review the video(s) are being injudiciously denied by justices at the Supreme Courts. What’s NUMC. NCCC, Nassau County ‘HaveTo Hide?’ :”We Can Handle The Truth!” Release The Video(s)!” “Now!” Trial Date September 11, 2017. Index: 017721/2011 Foil Request not effective!