I am running for state Senate to make state government work for all Nassau County residents, and one of the pillars of my campaign is to fight for complete and unequivocal equality for women.
Women’s equality should not be held back by misinformation. The Women’s Equality Act in no way “expands abortion rights,” it simply codifies a woman’s right to make her own health-care choices as established by Roe v. Wade, which is constantly under assault at the federal level.
By opposing the WEA Jack Martins has made himself the embodiment of that GOP opposition here in New York.
In addition, women should not be told that their fight is no longer worthwhile since certain laws are already on the books, particularly when those laws are failing miserably.
I find it difficult to believe that anyone would think to tell a mom who earns 77 percent of what her male counterpart makes that she should give up fighting for pay equity because it is redundant.
Too many times throughout the course of history victims of inequality have been told to trade in their fight for full equality for bits and pieces. We cannot let that happen with women’s equality – not in 2014 and not in New York, the home of Seneca Falls and a historic leader in the fight for women’s rights.
Women’s equality is not something I believe can be achieved piecemeal, nor is it something I believe should be made to wait.
State legislators should not be picking and choosing which rights to grant women as if they were ordering from a menu, and I will continue fighting for the entire Women’s Equality Act to be passed in full, as proposed by Gov. Cuomo.
From pay equity to combating human trafficking to strengthening sexual harassment laws to stopping housing discrimination based on gender to protecting a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions, the women of New York deserve equality on everything, plain and simple.
All or nothing may not always be good for government, but when it comes to Women’s Equality, I want it all, and I am proud of it.
Adam Haber