By Bill O’Reilly
Can’t make a prediction as to who will be the 47th president, but my opinion is that Donald Trump will win. I could be wrong because the race is emotional, not based on rational thinking. There is also a hyper partisan and, in many cases, blatantly corrupt media propagandizing around the clock.
Hard to assess how that might influence voters.
Former President Trump is fairly easy to figure out. If he wins, he will govern like he did in his first term. Before Covid, the economy was rocking, but federal spending ran wild as well. Of course, few Americans contemplate macro-economics on a daily basis. What folks do think about is money in their pockets. Under Trump most of us had far more cash than we have now. Thanks, Joe and Kamala.
But wait. The vice president has no policy power so she did not ignite the wicked inflation that has hurt so many. But Kamala continues to “cheerlead” Biden’s insane economic policies. She goes out of her way to tell Americans how great “Bidenomics” is. That’s why I think she will lose.
Many Americans are ill-informed but most are not stone cold dumb.
So why is Ms. Harris standing by her Oval Office man, Joe? My assessment is because that’s what she’s always done. Kamala Harris is a “machine” politician. From the beginning of her political career in San Francisco, she has NEVER deviated from or even criticized the liberal line. Kamala is a follower, a person comfortable operating in the leftwing ideological bubble. Effective policies are not part of the equation.
You see that in the California years when mentor Willie Brown ran her show. The Democrats were happy to see Kamala in the Senate where she voted the party line, competing with Bernie Sanders for most liberal status.
And, as VP, Joe Biden had a loyal ally on the open border and a myriad of other stupid and destructive policies.
Most voters are not deeply involved with politics. They have far more enjoyable pursuits. But available cash is dwindling, cutting into life’s essentials.
That’s the primary reason I think Trump will emerge victorious. The crushing immigration problems Biden created will also hammer the Democrats.
Kamala has zero interest in confronting those problems and even if she did, she wouldn’t know how. If she had any specific solutions to vexing problems, we would have already heard them.
So, that’s where we are three weeks before a decision that will affect us all. As the late football coach Vince Lombardi is alleged to have said: “Winning is the only thing.”
For Kamala and the Don, there are no truer words.
“If he wins, he will govern like he did in his first term. Before Covid, the economy was rocking, but federal spending ran wild as well.”
Actually, he inherited a functioning economy, and job growth slowed the month after this buffoon took the oath. In terms of GDP or job creation, Spray Tan Man never beat either his predecessor or his successor.
Those are the facts, and they are not in dispute.
If he wins, he’ll take credit for the economy Joe Biden rebuilt, just as he took credit for Obama’s. And the record is this: we had lower inflation and lower unemployment than any other G-7 nation coming out of the pandemic.
The Fox News crowd seems to be under the delusion that inflation was limited to the United States. It was, in fact, a global phenomenon, and we aced it better than anyone.
It wasn’t the “spending,” Mr. Bunker. That ridiculous tax cut that gave $1200 to plumbers and billions to the top earners and additional offshoring of profits to multinationals drove up the debt level. And of course, the cap on SALT was just another example of the vindictive hate this man carries in his soul. The same sickness that made him remove official portraits of presidents he didn’t like.
You have fun normalizing this degenerate. One day, as in post war Germany, people will wonder how all of this happened. And the simple answer is one man can destroy a country and a society by leading people’s minds to a very ugly place. Even here.