I want to add to the reader-response letter submitted Jan. 29 titled “Hyperbole, Hypocrisy with a capital H.”
Obviously, the ongoing and relentless vitriol and viciousness spewed each week in the Viewpoint column towards Republicans was too much for that reader.
Although I agree with this reader’s response that the Viewpoint is laced with hypocrisy, I do believe there is more to this. In my opinion, the Viewpoint will never be capable of acknowledging or debating any of the many examples of hypocrisy that the reader’s response clearly and accurately pointed out.
It is quite clear to those who read the Viewpoint each week that it contains nothing more than venom towards Trump and his 75 million supporters and will never be able to see any other points of view.
This is blatantly obvious to any clear-thinking person who understands that there are two sides to every issue. Unfortunately, the Viewpoint writer will never be able to see the hypocrite that she is.
Thomas Dreyer
Floral Park