From the desk of Superintendent Elaine Kanas: Web site offers important common core info

From the desk of Superintendent Elaine Kanas: Web site offers important common core info

As you know, New York State has signed on, with the majority of other states in the country, to implement the Common Core Curriculum, a comprehensive K-12 curriculum. 

This year you have received information regarding the Common Core from various sources, including parent workshops sponsored by your PTOs and the district.  For the first time, the state ELA and Math assessments in grades 3-8 will reflect students’ grasp of the new common core material. 

 In the past, I have shared with you an informative New York State Education Department website, Engageny, which has lots of information and resources on the Common Core and its implementation. This site is used by many New York State educators. New York State has recently updated the website, providing a special section just for parents.  

I think you will find it very interesting and helpful as you partner with us in your child’s education.    Go to  and click on the upper right-hand box, Parent and Family Resources.  On the left-hand side of the page you will see Parent Resources that you can click on for further detail.  These include parent Guides to the Common Core Standards, videos and some educational activities you can do at home with your child, in support of their learning.

Upcoming Budget Workshops 

Feb. 27 at 7:30 p.m. is Budget Workshop #1.  This first in a series of budget meetings will include a budget overview and major issues as well as looking at the administrative and capital components. 

  A special budget section has been created on our website now that we are full swing into our budget season. There you can find a list of all upcoming budget workshops through the spring.  We will keep this section of the website constantly updated with the latest information shared at the budget workshops, as well as informative articles and current event topics that relate to and have impact on school districts’ budget deliberations throughout our region. Please stay informed. Please contribute your ideas and insights throughout the district budget process which is designed to provide our students with educational excellence while working within the constraints of significant fiscal challenges.

For the Budget Information webpage and a full list of all budget workshops go to our website at and click on District tab > Departments > Business & Finance > Budget Info > 13-14 Budget.


National Merit Finalists

Congratulations to Maria D’Iorio, Lambert Chu and Allison Perry who have been advanced to Finalists in the 2013 National Merit Scholarship Program!  As finalists, these Wheatley students have scored in the top one half of one percent of the more than 1.5 million juniors who entered the program by taking the PSAT last year. As finalists, Maria, Lambert and Allison remain eligible for Merit Scholarship awards worth $34 million that will be offered this spring.


Thanks Bus Friends!

As you know, one of the things I first noticed when coming to the district this year is the terrific blend of educational excellence and a culture of strong commitment to students’ social and emotional development.  I wanted to share with you a wonderful new pilot program that is now taking place between North Side and Wheatley.  

High school volunteers recently participated in a training session with Wheatley Assistant Principal Karen Klapper, North Side Assistant Principal for Elementary Education James Foy and me where they learned how they can be helpful friends to elementary school bus riders. 

The high school volunteers each choose one or two days a week when they ride a North Side bus and assist the younger students with finding seats and getting backpacks off and on laps, while engaging the younger students in interesting conversations.  After the elementary students are dropped off at home, a school bus brings the high school volunteers back to Wheatley.  Thank you very much to our high school volunteers. If you have a high school student who might also be interested in volunteering, please ask them to contact Mrs. Klapper. 


Go Wheatley Wildcats

Attending a high school sporting event can be great fun, not only if you have your own child participating, but as an exciting event to share with your children of all ages.  You can check the Athletic page of the website [District tab > Departments > Athletics Department] for schedules of our teams. 

“Ciao” students!

A group of our students has flown off to Italy for a week of language and cultural experiences that can only enhance their Italian language study here at Wheatley.  

We wish them a wonderful trip and look forward to their sharing many stories regarding their rich experiences and their new found understanding of the global world.

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