We are used to reading stories about starving families in places like Bangladesh and Somalia.
Hunger on that scale is something that happens “over there.” Wake up America! Hunger, homelessness, and poverty are in our country, in our state, on our county, in our town.
It’s around the corner from your home and mine.
The recession has brought many families to their knees. The inability to find work – sometimes for as long as two years – has devastated thousands of average, middle class families. The needy are not just in places like Hempstead and Amityville. They are also in Port Washington, Manhasset, New Hyde Park, Roslyn, and right here in Great Neck.
At the INN’s nineteen soup kitchens and three emergency shelters, we see homeless and hungry families every day. We know how important a good nutritious meal can be for growing youngsters, for senior citizens, and for homeless veterans.
That’s why members of our community are teaming up to sponsor meals at Long Island’s largest soup kitchen, run by the Interfaith Nutrition Network (INN), which feeds more than 2,000 local men, women, and children each week.
If you’ve had some blessings in your life, please consider sharing them with those who haven’t been as fortunate.
Your donation – in whatever amount you can afford – has the power to give hope to those who need it most.
Please make your check payable to: The Interfaith Nutrition Network. Donations may be mailed to: Dave Golbert, 7 Lee Court West, Great Neck, NY 11024.
Every $25 we receive provides 10 meals to local families in need.
“Let no one go hungry while there is food on our table.”
David Golbert
Great Neck