Vote no Manorhaven on giving mayor a 4-year term

Vote no Manorhaven on giving mayor a 4-year term

Manorhaven residents need to turn out to vote no on Oct. 3 to a proposal that will harm our residents and our village.  

Mayor Avena and the Board of Trustees are proposing to extend the mayoral term from two to four years.

We should note, there  is no other Port Washington village that allows this.  This proposal will take away as residents our right to vote and to hold our elected officials accountable by our vote every two years.

It will take away our right to hear and choose new ideas and evaluate  new programs by new candidates that can improve our village.

As it stands now if a mayor is worthy of our vote in two years they will be re-elected, however by this proposal, if a mayor whose actions we deem wrong or harmful for our village is in office, we will have lost the right to remove them from office for four years.

By then the damage will have been done; taxes arbitrarily raised, our remaining  waterfront lost, overbuilding allowed to continue, parking issues left unaddressed, our quality of life allowed to deteriorate further without our having any say to change it or stop it for four long years.

No good can come to residents with this proposal.  

Our vote is our right and it is our voice. Turn out and vote no on Oct, 3 to this proposal and protect our village, our voice and our vote !

Lucretia Steele

Former Deputy Mayor

Village of Manorhaven

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