Reader’s Write: Vaccine critics uses psuedo science to spread falsehoods

Reader’s Write: Vaccine critics uses psuedo science to spread falsehoods

Mr. Bravermann finds my message “stale,” while putting forward his pseudo-scientific ideas. 

It would help if he could support his views with a shred of evidence, preferably in a reputable journal or similar source.  

I agree with him that pure water, clean food and good housing have done more to advance public health than any medical measures, but more has been and is always needed. 

Childhood infectious diseases were not on the decline. 

Polio epidemics recurred until Dr. Salk invented his vaccine. Incidentally, it was found that upper-class children (presumably living in better circumstances) were more often and more severely affected than lower class ones. 

The recent outbreak of measles in New York City (good living conditions) illustrates what happens when children are not immunized. 

On the other hand, Doctors Without Borders have halted measles and meningitis epidemics by vaccinating children in South Sudan, and tetanus, diphtheria and measles incidences have dropped sharply in Rwanda, following similar measures. 

The overcrowded and ill-equipped camps in the former, and general conditions in Rwanda do not conform to the ideal healthy living conditions mentioned above.

He also makes a curious statement – “children have seizures so deep in their brains that they are undetected.” If they are undetected how can anyone know that they are happening?

We will never agree on this topic, but I, personally, will always push for universal vaccinations, which have been shown to be extremely cost-effective.

Dr. J. Marcus

Great Neck

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