Readers Write: Unwarranted attack on ed board prez

Readers Write: Unwarranted attack on ed board prez

We all receive and delete unsolicited e-mail, most of it innocuous or inane.  

But every now and then something arrives that grabs our attention.  Such was the case last week when an e-mail from the Manhasset MPSA landed in my in-box bearing the subject line, “Is Regina Rule, School Board President, up for the task?”  

I was taken aback at the negative implication since Regina Rule is an active member of my church and a long-time friend.  

In reading the email I was disappointed with the accusatory tone.  It saddened me to see the politics of personal attack in my hometown.  Almost half of the e-mail criticized Regina instead of addressing the issues.  In the future I hope the members of the Manhasset MPSA will forgo personal attacks in favor of constructive dialogue.

Rev. Jimmy Only

The Congregational Church of Manhasset

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