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Readers Write: U.S. voters get an ‘F’ in citizenship

It has just been reported that we had one of the lowest voter turnouts since WW II. 

President Obama said the other night that two-thirds of the voter population stayed home. 

In a local election on average about 40 percent actually show up to vote while 60 percent show up for a Presidential election. 

Let me say this,” OMG,” where are all of our registered voters and that goes for all those who complain about our local and national leaders and didn’t bother to vote? 

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It’s like the old saying,” everyone complains about the weather and no one does anything about it.” 

When citizens failed to vote, democracy is in jeopardy and totalitarianism prospers. American voters must wake up for the time is now.

Frederick R. Bedell Jr.

Glen Oaks Village

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