We want to express our deepest appreciation to the contributors whose generous donations to honor Ruth Tamarin with a statue and plaque became a reality Sunday, Sept. 16, in Steppingstone Park.
That an overflow crowd attended her memorial dedication and the indoor celebration reflect the good-will, warmth and respect they felt for her and for her many accomplishments as a commissioner devoted to enriching their lives. We also thank the Great Neck parks superintendent, Jayson Marra, and the parks commissioners, especially Bob Lincoln for overseeing that all the park’s resources be used to bring the project to fruition and successful conclusion.
This included the overwhelming cooperation of the park office staff and other personnel who held Ruth in high esteem. Special plaudits to Curtis Phillips, too, who directed the landscaping, placement and installation of the statue and plaque.
We hope the celebration will continue. That the memorial be enjoyed by all park district residents. That they pause at the site, read the homage inscription, see the joy in the children’s faces as the two sit, reading on a bench. An age of innocence for us all.
Committee for Ruth Tamarin Memorial
Bob Sobel, Ronny Beecher, Shelly Sobel, Vic Beecher and Stephen Schensul.