Reader’s Write: Tea Party victorious in unemployment fight

Reader’s Write: Tea Party victorious in unemployment fight

Did you hear the recent news out of Washington? 

A bill, extending long-term unemployment benefits to the 1.4 million out-of-work Americans, actually failed in the Senate! 

That means only one thing. Some Democrats actually voted against it! Wow!! Where is the liberal outrage now?

Remember when they claimed that it was only the Tea Party that was causing all the havoc? 

Peter King called us a group of “right-wing fanatics,” who, ”shut down the government, because (get this one) we refused to raise the debt ceiling again. 

Will they pay more attention now that some of their own Democrats are joining with us? Doubt it! It’s to much to expect many of them  to act fiscally responsible with our money.

Up to now, the administration certainly didn’t think that our astronomical $17 trillion debt was something to be concerned about. 

After all, President Obama had increased it more in his first four years in office, than all the previous presidents in history put together! 

To make it even worse, the CBO now estimates that if you count “unfunded liabilities,” (paying for all of our future entitlement obligations) we actually owe (better sit down) over $90 trillion!  

I guess these “entitlement free spenders”, feel that if their cause “feels good”, it doesn’t matter how much of my grandchildren’s money they would spend.

Amazing, isn’t it? Are these Tea Party folks so radicle after all ? 

All they want to do, is to pay for these current expenditures. Free-spending politicians remind me of when my own kids were teenagers. The only difference is that my children eventually grew out of it. (well, most of the time !!) When I see my five-month-old granddaughter this weekend, I think I’ll just give her the new toy, and tell her to pay for it when she gets older. 

What nerve! What gall? What chutzpah these liberals have, spending my money and expecting my grandchildren to pay for it.

Getting back to those of you who said the Tea Party was so uncaring and callous because “we refused to extend long term unemployment benefits”. We (and now some Democrats as well) opposed this legislation because:

1 – The administration again refused to provide any funding for it! Just borrow the money!   And

2 – there was no mandatory job-training.

Imagine that! Those “radical” Tea Party folks actually want to provide  a job training solution instead of creating a permanent unemployed class.

A year ago, a Tea Party member made the following proposal in the form of a congressional motion:

1 – All able body, healthy, adult welfare recipients, must be enrolled in a job training program, free of charge. And

2 – they must take a drug test before they receive their welfare checks. If they fail their first drug theft, they still will receive their checks, but only if they enter any approved drug or alcohol treatment program. Failing a second drug test, would automatically terminate their eligibility.

Why did the Democratic leadership  oppose this? They said that these additions were a “humiliating requirement”! Really? They are not humiliating to anyone who seriously wants to get off the welfare roles, and to those of us who are actually paying for these entitlements!

Now, for the quiz:

First an  easy one. (Let me know how your own teenagers do.)

(Q) – how many U.S. senators are there?

Take your time!  No cheating! Remember, Obama said there were 52 states !

Okay here goes:

(A) 100

Now for you those of you who still think the Tea Party took over the Senate:

(Q) How many U.S. senators are Tea Party members and joined the Tea Party Caucus ?

(A) FIive!!!

That’s all ? I thought you said we took things over?  

How about asking the average high school student this next question:

(Q) How many US Congressmen are there ,in the House of Representatives?  Don’t google it!

(A) – 435.

I doubt that even some of you college graduates will know this next one.

(Q) How many Congressmen describe themselves as Tea Party members by also joining their Tea Party caucus?  

(A)  – 48  

Really!!   Again so few??

And finally, this one is only for those of you with a PhD in mathematics:

(Q)  what percent of our congress are Tea Party member?

(A). ONLY 10 percent !!

So, out of the total of 535 members, only 53 are Tea Party members. What happened to that giant hoard of radicals ruining our country. 

Since when is 10 percent, actually taking over the government? 

Would somebody please ask Peter King and John Boehner that very same question! 

Do you ever hear the Democrats condemning Bernie Sanders, Vermont’s Socialist Senator or Al Franken, Minnesota’s ultra-radical, left wing senator?  

Here are some other facts that your liberal friends may not know:

1 – ever since Obama was elected. the Senate, with its Democratic majority, could pass any legislation or budget  it wanted, even with their five Tea Party members.

2 – Any legislation not deemed acceptable to Obama, could be subject to his presidential veto.

 3-  Harry Reid has the power to prevent any bill from even being brought up for a vote in the Senate, And, guess what?  

 4- Some Democrats are actually seeing the handwriting on the wall, and are supporting many Tea Party initiatives.

Ten months till the next election!

Let’s hope some of these irresponsible politicians will take their life-long pensions and benefit packages, (of course paid for by us!)  and join the long list of those long-term unemployed.

Dr. Stephen Morris

North Hills

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