Readers Write: Sweet sound of whirring waste disposal unit

Readers Write: Sweet sound of whirring waste disposal unit

I have just heard from a friend of mine who I went to school with at Grace Lutheran Day School in Queens Village and we graduated in ‘64.” 

Harry Weymer is a retired school from upstate New York. I had mention to him that I worked for Northeast Plumbing in Mineola, a plumbing supply house. He sent the following remarks that I would like to share with your readers.

“Fred, I could have used your help this evening as I unexpectedly had to battle w/a  jammed food waste disposal unit. Owner’s manual said to use the ‘wrenchette.’ 

Installed this unit over 10-yrs ago & the %$#! wrenchette was nowhere to be found.

So I used the next best thing – a large garden trowel to unjam the damn thing. 

And while I did not have a Brazilian stadium full of fans cheering me on to victory I distinctly heard the theme song from the movie Rocky play in my head when I flipped the switch & heard that mellifluous whirring  hum of that unit.” 

Now that is success even if it is not at the Brazilian stadium. That truly is American inventiveness.

Fred Bedell and Harry Weymer

Glen Oaks Village

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