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Readers Write: Support Haber to protect schools

I believe students across Nassau County deserve the same opportunities in their schools. Students should not have to worry about budget cuts and austerity jeopardizing their high school career. 

High school should be enjoyed when it can, talents should be practiced if the talent is drawing or playing football, and all students deserve equal opportunities. 

All students should be able to flourish throughout their high school career. A club, a sport, or a class can mean so much to students. 

Nassau County needs a standard for education, so students can get these opportunities. 

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Adam Haber has done many amazing things to benefit his school district and I know he could do the same for many school districts throughout Nassau County. 

Please vote for Adam Haber in the Democratic Primary on Sept. 10 for county executive and help make a change for students in Nassau County.

Kathryn Shanley



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