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Readers Write: Suing village planners sets a bad precedent

For a small man, Kevin Lalezarian certainly throws his weight around our village.

The village planning board and board members have a job to do, and that is to carefully consider the applicants’ application and then either grant or not grant according to the zoning laws of the village.

For Mr. Lalezarian to sue the planning board is nothing short of blackmail. As to the imposed green fund fee listed in the suit. All builders who subdivided for the past 25 years have been required to pay a fee of 1 percent (used to be 3%) into a special fund to be used for village parklands and open space as Mr. Lalezarian well knows.

He objects to the approval from the state divisions of building codes that his development should meet state fire codes.

If ever a fire was to happen and fire rescue equipment was hampered in any way, who would the homeowners sue?

The village board because they okayed the plans.

As to including Robin Gordon in the suite is disgusting. She has served the village for over 20 years. It was her job to the residents of our village to uphold the laws.

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Because she and Allegra Goldberg had the gumption to do the right thing they are now slapped with a lawsuit. I attended many of the meetings. I never saw bias or prejudice against the applicant. Just board members expressing concern over the safety of the project. If the village boards are under the constant threat of lawsuits, which we residents will have to pay for in higher taxes, than why have boards who can’t do their jobs making the right decisions for the residents not developers who don’t even live here. 

If we don’t stop this blackmail now and enforce village laws, then every developers coming into Great Neck will utter those three words, ‘I will sue.’

I sincerely hope that the judge throws the cast out.

Mr. Lalazerian has two faces. One that smiles when he gets the results that he wants, and one that sues if it doesn’t go his way.

Laws are not ameliorated for one person but for the community.

Jean Pierce

Great Neck

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