Readers Write: Sorting out tangled issues of Iraqi civil war

Readers Write: Sorting out tangled issues of Iraqi civil war

Here we go again, trying to figure out how we can keep Iraq from falling apart. 

We lied our way into  entry of the US for one reason, oil. We destroyed that country and are now seeing the worst leaders try to take charge. They never will work to unite the three main sects, so a civil war cannot be prevented and sending in military aid will never achieve peace. 

The parties involved want revenge, power and some of the oil revenues. Add in religious fervor and the mess is disastrous.

Let us also consider the irony that the surrounding countries have their own mix of feuding parties, resistance fighters and totalitarian rulers. 

How can we figure out whom to give military aid to?  Can anybody figure out who “the good guys” are? How about spending the potentially wasted money on heavy investment on renewable sources of energy?

We need skilled diplomacy, not the irrational, ignorant voices of a Congress that lacks any real knowledge of history, and unfortunately, is heavily influenced by international oil companies.

We must call our senators and congress people and tell them how we feel. 

Send knowledgeable, skilled, rational diplomats and keep the neighboring countries and Iraq talking. 

When are we going to realize that  conflicts accomplish nothing, and wreak unspeakable suffering.

Esther Confino

New Hyde Park


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