From the Desk: Sewanhaka district preps for new year

From the Desk: Sewanhaka district preps for new year

As we approach the upcoming school year, we will be celebrating the 85th year of instruction in the Sewanhaka Central High School District. Before our students arrive in September, our professional staff will return on Sept. 3 and Sept. 4 for our opening day program during which we will welcome new and returning faculty and staff. We also will honor our Teachers of the Year and employees who have been with the district for 25 years or more. 

Our goal continues to be to ensure that each child is provided with an education designed to meet his or her needs. We believe that our professional staff is instrumental in providing for this success. The district will introduce and welcome Kevin O’Brien, assistant superintendent for finance and operations. In addition, Regina Agrusa has been promoted to the position of assistant to the superintendent for pupil personnel services and Arlene Mishanie has been promoted to the position of supervisor of special education services.

There have been several capital projects underway during the summer months and the goal remains to complete these projects prior to the beginning of the school year. At New Hyde Park Memorial High School, a new track has been installed and I am certain that our students and community members will enjoy this new facility. 

At Sewanhaka High School, a significant paving project was completed on the west side of the building.  Floral Park Memorial High School’s locker rooms will also receive new ventilation fans. Finally, the football field at Floral Park Memorial will be reopened for play by football, soccer, field hockey and lacrosse teams during the 2013-14 school year.  

The board of education has continued its work regarding a potential bond referendum that could be put forth to the district’s registered voters during the late fall of 2013. An ad hoc committee on facilities composed of residents from each of the four component districts reviewed the district’s facilities and prepared a comprehensive proposal that was presented to the board during the spring. The board of education will continue to review its options during the Aug. 27 meeting and may approve a final resolution no later than the regularly scheduled meeting in September. You can locate the most up-to-date information regarding this potential plan on the district website.  

With the school year just around the corner, we hope that you and your family members enjoy the remainder of the summer and begin to plan appropriately for the upcoming school year. In the near future, the fall athletic teams will begin their preparations, the marching bands will initiate rehearsals and the building administrations will complete the scheduling process in preparation for September. This time of year is always filled with anticipation and excitement and we are certainly looking forward toward working with your child(ren) during the 2013-14 school year.

As in the past, let us all continue to work collaboratively to ensure that our children get off to a good start this school year, developing those study routines that are most likely to lead to academic success. As always, the district’s goal is for our students to benefit from all that our schools have to offer. Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact their child’s counselor if they have any questions about what they can do to promote their child’s academic success and personal well-being in school.

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