We have high regard for our firemen and those responsible for the Manhasset Lakeville Water District. We also care about our families and homes.
Can something be worked out to satisfy everyone? We believe so!
Seven hundred and fifty thousand gallons of water in an elevated steel ball (which will be 50 percent greater in size than the present tank) looming over our homes is threatening!
Let’s revisit alternate site options (Christopher Morley?) or let’s take a serious look at the ground tanks and pumps that will be safer and less intrusive taking advantage of currently available technology.
Our neighborhood has lived under the shadow of the present tower for the last 85 years. We believe the three-acre steeply sloping site is too small to erect an even larger elevated tank in the midst of residential homes.
The thought of a 750,000 gallon steel ball hovering over our homes (literally) is not very comforting for our families.
Please MLWD, look at alternative solutions and take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity to make the right decision for all.
Gene Papa, Henry Hinz
and Mark Shackel
Manhasset Residents of Eakins Road