Strategic Planning Initiative
Thank you to those of you who attended the Dec. 5 Community Forum and provided input for our District’s Strategic Planning Initiative. The Forum began with a brief presentation outlining our strategic planning process. A strategic plan was defined as providing a framework for aligning district resources with district goals over a period of time. Our strategic plan, once developed, will set a direction for our school district for the next five years.
The district is embarking on a strategic planning process because, like all school districts in New York State, we find ourselves at a critical juncture with a desire and need to maintain and grow our programs within the constraints of diminishing financial resources. A strategic plan will help our district identify priorities and, by looking at the various elements of the district program within a connected context, use a critical and creative eye to carefully align goals with resources so that we can continue to maintain and grow an excellent education program. It can also ensure community commitment and involvement in reaching common objectives.
For an outline of the steps involved in the District Strategic Planning Process and an example of what the plan will look like, you can view my Power Point presentation by visiting our website and clicking on Strategic Planning Initiative.
If you were unable to attend the forum, here’s how you can help us with your input now.
Because strategic planning looks at the big picture, the Dec. 5 input session began with an examination of the district’s present mission statement. A mission statement defines the purpose of an organization.
The East Williston School District Mission Statement
Our schools exist to nurture the best in each child morally, intellectually, socially, artistically, emotionally and physically.
Specifically, we seek to encourage respect for individual human worth and acceptance of difference, an open and curious mind armed with the ability to think critically and to consider ideas in the light of values, and a responsible pursuit of personal excellence and knowledge.
We expect our schools to be humane and supportive environments where the growth of learners is more important than judgments of them.
We expect our schools to meet the needs of the rich variety of human potential so that each child may emerge more able to lead a happy, productive adult life.
At the Community Forum, participants reviewed the District Mission Statement and were asked to think about the specific programs, activities and other educational actions that support and accomplish the purpose of the current district mission as well as potential additions to our district mission.
Participants discussed and answered three questions in small round-table settings.
Question 1: In reviewing the District Mission Statement, does it continue to accurately describe the school district’s purpose?
Question 2: What district programs and activities currently support our Mission Statement? Please specify which part of the Mission Statement you are addressing.
Question 3: What additional/new programs and activities can successfully accomplish our mission? Please specify which part of the Mission Statement you are addressing.
You can email me your answers to the questions above and I will share them with the Strategic Planning Committee.
In Question 1, if you make suggested changes to the Mission Statement, please describe current and proposed programs, activities and other educational actions that you envision for these new aspects of the Mission Statement.
Up-To-Date Strategic Planning Information
Please visit our website at and locate our Strategic Planning Initiative Info on the front page. This will take you to our Strategic Planning Initiative web page. You can also access this page directly from the navigation bar on the About Our District webpage.
Next week, we will post the ideas gathered at the December 5th Community Forum’s thoughtful discussion on this site. As part of our commitment to full community involvement, all results of feedback, Strategic Planning Committee meeting minutes and other venues associated with the process will be posted on the Strategic Planning Initiative website page for everyone’s information, input and continued involvement in this key district initiative.
Please remember to call 516-333-3758 or email me at with any questions, suggestions, etc. If you have district related questions, please don’t hesitate to give a call or email.