The unofficial beginning of summer has begun with the arrival of Memorial Day. I hope all had an enjoyable day. However, it is important, as a nation, to never forget the purpose of this holiday. The remembrance of those soldiers who have passed away while defending the principals of our great nation.
Prior to the Memorial Day Parade, American Legion Post 144 held their Fifty-Sixth Annual Post Everlasting Services. This ceremony is always somber event as both members of Post 144 and their Ladies Auxiliary recognize members who have passed away during the past year.
This year’s Memorial day Parade took place under picture perfect skies and extremely pleasant temperatures. Once again, the American Legion Post 144 did an exceptional job of organizing this event.
Besides legionaries, and the ladies Auxiliary, Members of the Fire Department, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl scouts, Brownies, and Williston Park Little Leaguers, marched to the patriotic sounds provided by the Herricks band.
Numerous residents watched, saluted, and cheered as the parade weaved its way through our village. After the parade ended at Village Hall for placement of the memorial wreaths next to the war memorial, I offered the following:
“I’m honored to be able to represent the Village of Williston Park on this special day.
A special thanks to the American Legion for their continued sponsorship of the Williston Park Memorial Day Parade. As parades are becoming less fashionable throughout the country, Post 144 perseveres in their dedication to our fallen soldiers. Thanks to our Fire Department for their support and involvement in today’s events and a special thanks to our Auxiliary police who continue to assist with this event, year in and year in and year out.
Today we are not celebrating but rather remembering and honoring those members of our Armed Forces who gave their lives as the ultimate sacrifice to our country. This includes all those who have died for this great country since the American revolution.
We also honor those families who have lost their loved ones as their lives have been drastically changed with their loss. These families in the past and those families of today have had to continue to live their lives without their loved one. Since the War on Terror began we have lost approximately 6,600 members of our armed forces. It’s estimated that their each of these fallen heroes’ death impacts approximately 10 family members and close friends.
Taking this into consideration more than 66,000 individuals have had to move forward with their lives without the support of their Fallen Hero. We also honor those Warriors and their families who have suffered both physical and mental injuries as a result of their service to our country. The Wounded Warriors Program estimates that since 9/11 approximately 50,684 have been wounded, 320,000 have suffered traumatic brain injury, while approximately 400,000 suffer from PTSD.
At this time I’d like to ask for a moment of silence for those who have given their life as a service man or women and for their families who have had to endure without them. And for all those having suffered injuries and their families as a result of their service.
As we spend the day with family and friends please remember to say a short prayer for both our heroes and their families. Keep them in your thoughts and hearts. Without them and their heroic sacrifices, life would be much different for all of us.
Countless speeches will be given today throughout the U.S. and many of the words spoken will soon be forgotten including mine. The theme of these speeches however should never be forgotten. We as individuals and as a nation owe it to those who have perished in defense of this country never to forget their ultimate sacrifice.
God Bless our fallen soldiers, injured soldiers and a their families, and all former, and current servicemen and women and God Bless America.”
After the service at Village Hall the legionaries and fireman moved on to the firehouse for their Memorial Service, honoring those members who passed away this past year.
This was a touching ceremony as family members of the recently departed Kevin Mach were in attendance. Diane, Kevin’s wife was accompanied by her two sons Andrew and Matthew, both members of the Williston Park Fire Department. After the service the fire department offered refreshments to all those in attendance.
Betty Ann Pristupa, member of the Williston Park Auxiliary Police has received the Nassau County Senior Citizen Of The Year award. Congratulations Betty Ann.
The Roger J. Fay Pool is scheduled to hold an open house on June 8th and 9th.
All are invited to come down to check out the facility and go for a swim. The early bird special registration has been extended this year until June 10, saving members $50.